Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009 - This Week's 'Moment of Gratitude' and TWO giveaways!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009 - Today's Words of Inspiration and TWO giveaways!
I am in Weekend Mode. My mind filled with fun and indulgence. Some time outdoors, time with friends and family, good food, refreshing drinks and treats, I have to admit it's hard to focus on the ever growing inbox and to-do list.
So let's focus today on indulgence, and how it can actually be a good thing. A healthy thing even. We all know that stress causes damage to your heart, your brain, your immune system, and it makes your blood pressure rise. Sometimes you need to indulge your whims. Doing so reduces stress and as you can see reducing stress is a good thing, a VERY good thing.
What are you doing this weekend to indulge yourself? Please share. Sometimes we can all use reminders of the little and big ways to help ourselves feel better.
Use 'Today's Words of Inspiration' as a breathing meditation to still your mind, quiet your thoughts and bring in positive energy. As you inhale bring in only positive energy by saying in your mind, I breathe in positive energy (or you can say creative energy if that is what you wish to create more of) and as you exhale, Affirm out loud today 'I will indulge at least one whim this weekend.'
Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by universal forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Do this at least twice today and see how by taking a moment away from the hectic pace and breathing in positive energy and affirming what you wish to create, your thinking will become different.
Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.
It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me (@Tracy_Iglesias) on Twitter here! twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field
OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias Today's Words of Inspiration and two super Giveaways! - http://tiny.cc/n4Thx
Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
Today's Butterfly - Featured Site of the Day - And TWO Giveaways!
1. Enter to win NEWLY Launched shapewear sponsored by Très Sleek HERE! (You may also press on the logo below to be taken directly to the giveaway!) Remember, this giveaway ends SOON! You only have until August 10th to put in your entry!
2. Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a AUTOGRAPHED copy of our book club of the month title: 'Perseverance' by Carolyn Rubenstein. You can enter for the book HERE (you may also press the cover graphic below) - Stay tuned for an Author Q & A next week. You can begin to send in your questions now. Email your questions for the author to me HERE
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009 - Today's Words of Inspiration and TWO giveaways!
Dance like nobody's watching....
Sing like nobody's listening...
Love like you've never been hurt...
Work like you don't need the money...
Live like it's heaven on earth...
Sometimes we all stumble with one of these (or some times all of these!) but it's never too late to get back on track. You really can Dance like nobody's watching, I do that one all the time when I'm cooking!
I also Sing like Nobody's Listening in the shower, OK in this case, it's probably really good no one is listening. I won't be auditioning for American Idol anytime soon.
I will admit, 'loving like you've never been hurt' is sometimes a hard one for me! Do you trip up on this one sometimes?? Come on, fess up, I can't be alone with this one!
And in this economy, 'working like you don't need the money' may be difficult too, but it can be done. Don't let work become WHO you are, make sure it's always WHAT you do but NEVER who you are!
Live like it's heaven on earth is my favorite! I strive for that one each and everyday. How do YOU live like it's heaven on earth? What makes you feel that way? For me, it's travel. For me it's a beach chair, while I'm sitting out by the ocean watching the waves crash, feeling the warm sun on my skin and the feel of Ocean Breezes through my hair. For me, that truly is heaven on earth. Or at least as close as I've come to it.
Use 'Today's Words of Inspiration' as a breathing meditation to still your mind, quiet your thoughts and bring in positive energy. As you inhale bring in only positive energy by saying in your mind, I breathe in positive energy (or you can say creative energy if that is what you wish to create more of) and as you exhale, Affirm out loud today 'I will live like it's heaven on earth.'
Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by universal forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Do this at least twice today and see how by taking a moment away from the hectic pace and breathing in positive energy and affirming what you wish to create, your thinking will become different!
Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.
It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me (@Tracy_Iglesias) on Twitter here! Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter
OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias Today's Words of Inspiration and two super Giveaways! - http://tiny.cc/n4Thx
Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
Today's Butterfly - Featured Site of the Day - And TWO Giveaways!
1. Enter to win NEWLY Launched shapewear sponsored by Très Sleek HERE! (You may also press on the logo below to be taken directly to the giveaway!) Remember, this giveaway ends SOON! You only have until August 10th to put in your entry!
2. Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a AUTOGRAPHED copy of our book club of the month title: 'Perseverance' by Carolyn Rubenstein. You can enter for the book HERE (you may also press the cover graphic below) - Stay tuned for an Author Q & A next week. You can begin to send in your questions now. Email your questions for the author to me HERE
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 - Today's Words of Inspiration and TWO giveaways!
I won't be happy until I've posted something about every day of the week. I found it interesting that according to the Hebrew Bible, Wednesday is the day when the Sun and Moon were created. Now that's more like it, I'd rather have this association with the day than the some of the others!
It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me (@Tracy_Iglesias) on Twitter here! Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter:
Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
Today's Butterfly - Featured Site of the Day - And TWO Giveaways!
This book is an amazing resource for young cancer patients and their families to find strength, truth, wisdom, humor, grace and perseverance personified. I highly encourage you to read this book, and I wish it had been available to me years ago when my nephew was battling cancer. Reading the stories of other young people speaking to him in a voice he could understand and sharing their unique experiences would have helped him to put his own experiences in better perspective I'm sure.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 - Today's Words of Inspiration and TWO giveaways!
Overcome your fears? Oh YES you can!
Last night I found myself facing an unusual bout of shyness, which hadn't reared it's ugly head since childhood. It made me think that overcoming fears would be a good discussion for today!
What are YOU afraid of? What fear do you have that you need to overcome? Is it public speaking? Heights? Spiders?
I received that Nike advice last night, that we all think sounds kind of lame, "Just Do It". But it honestly was the only advice that made sense. It was the only advice that worked. And when I took it, the rest of my night went really well. There will be more to come on the specifics really soon.
Use 'Today's Words of Inspiration' as a breathing meditation to still your mind, quiet your thoughts and bring in positive energy. As you inhale bring in only positive energy by saying in your mind, I breathe in positive energy (or you can say creative energy if that is what you wish to create more of) and as you exhale, Affirm out loud today 'I can overcome any fear.'
Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by universal forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Do this at least twice today and see how by taking a moment away from the hectic pace and breathing in positive energy and affirming what you wish to create, your thinking will become different!
Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.
It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me (@Tracy_Iglesias) on Twitter here! Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter:
OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias Today's Words of Inspiration and two super Giveaways! - http://tiny.cc/n4Thx
Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
Today's Butterfly - Featured Site of the Day - And TWO Giveaways!
1. Enter to win NEWLY Launched shapewear sponsored by Très Sleek HERE! (You may also press on the logo below to be taken directly to the giveaway!) Remember, this giveaway ends SOON! You only have until August 10th to put in your entry!
2. Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a AUTOGRAPHED copy of our book club of the month title: 'Perseverance' by Carolyn Rubenstein. You can enter for the book HERE (you may also press the cover graphic below) - Stay tuned for an Author Q & A next week. You can begin to send in your questions now. Email your questions for the author to me HERE
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday, August 02, 2009 - This Week's 'Moment of Gratitude' AND a giveaway!
Living in Gratitude
On Sunday's, 'Today's Moment of Inspiration' becomes the weekly 'Moment of Gratitude'. While I do still live in Gratitude each and everyday, I decided to change this feature to a weekly to allow a 'full week' of Inspirational messages and breathing meditations. 'Today's Butterfly' will remain a daily and will post with the Today's Inspiration Monday through Saturday, and will post with the Weekly Gratitude on Sunday.
This week, I am grateful for:
1) July offered the rare opportunity of running into both in person and on-line a lot of people from my past. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have re-lived a lot of different moments, with a lot of people I thought I'd honestly never connect with again. So this week I'm grateful for friends both old and new.
2) A lot of time spent burning the midnight oil has Ascending Butterfly running on schedule to launch a new feature tomorrow. I'm grateful for our first book club sponsor!
3) I'm also grateful for another rare opportunity that opened up in July for me to learn Italian, more on this to follow. But this too is another thing I didn't really expect to be doing but am grateful for the opportunity to do so. So to my Italian friends 'come siete?' (or as Wendy Williams and 'Joey Tribiani' would say 'How YOU doin'? :)
What are you grateful for today? I'd love for you to write in and share what you are grateful for this week. The more you say it, the more you speak it, and the more you live it, the more you will find reasons to be grateful for. So join me on this journey of gratitude. And you can post here daily (even though my list will be posted weekly).
Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.
It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me (@Tracy_Iglesias) on Twitter here! Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter:
OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias Today's Words of Inspiration and a Giveaway! - http://tiny.cc/n4Thx
Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
NOTE: We have a new feature launching Monday! Come back to find out more! This feature definitely comes with something in it for YOU!
Today's Butterfly - Featured Sites of the Day
Enter to win NEWLY Launched shapewear sponsored by Très Sleek HERE! (You may also press on the logo below to be taken directly to the giveaway!) Remember, this giveaway ends SOON! You only have until August 10th to put in your entry!