Monday, August 31, 2015

Did you miss the @BoyzIIMen Concert & @NickCannon at the #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15 @McDonalds Closing Party?

Boyz II Men  in concert for McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Boyz II Men  in concert for McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Don't get me wrong, we haven't quite come to 'the end of the road' - there is a lot more to cover from BlogHer15 and I'm just taking the event in bite size chunks. I can't imagine re-capping everything there was to see and do in one post. Despite juggling my time between 2 over-lapping conferences in New York City, I still have folders worth of photos from BlogHer, organized, but I haven't had time to optimize the raw files yet!

The McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015 included a live concert with BoyzIIMen singing their hits!

I got there literally just in the 'nick-of-time' as they had already started the first song in the set! (I was running to the buses from another event that had nothing to do with either of the two over-lapping conferences - told you I was a very busy girl this summer!)

I took some video of the concert on my phone:

I had no idea just how long it takes YouTube to convert footage that was actually under 10 minutes! But I thought having some footage would give you a better sense of what it was like to actually be there!

McNuggets Way and Happy Meal Place at #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
I did not get to eat a thing, I tried to get in what I thought was a line, but the line ended up wrapping around and around me with no begnining or end anymore and it felt like the line was going to swallow me whole. I wanted to shout "They are giving out MCNUGGETS NOT GOLD NUGGETS STOP SHOVING!" The line began to feel like an undulating snake that was just literally moving you whether you wanted to move or not. That was my breaking point.

I opted to find small openings and wriggle my way out of it all. I know what McDonalds taste like. (I personally think this part of their annual party is better indoors at the conference hotel, I never remember having trouble getting to the food there.)

I did really enjoy the concert! And ending what was a conference that has kept bringing bloggers back for a decade now outdoors was actually great! This party is usually the sort of late night closing 'after party' held super late in a room that is quite dark most years so to see this party 'by day' was a new and interesting experience. It didn't lose it's cool that's for sure.

BoyzIIMen throwing roses to audience during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Above: When Boyz II Men started throwing Roses into the crowd you could probably hear the screaming on the other side of the pier! (Not sure what was going on over there on the opposite side of the Pier but there were tons of cute Sailors all in white!) I wanted to find out what was going on over there, but wasn't about to lose my spot at the concert!

If we were born around the same time, this music was probably the soundtrack a school age breakup of some sort. I found it funny when they would hold out the mic and let the audience take over, we all knew the songs word by word, there was nobody fake humming! Gotta LOVE that! Sadly I was not pelted with any roses, but I'm sure I was probably too far (God Bless the Zoom Feature on Cameras! LOL - It allows us anti-social folks to keep a very nice distance and still capture the action like we were right up front and in the mix even though we weren't!)

Nick Cannon takes the turntables during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Nick Cannon takes the turntables at the McDonalds Closing Party at Blogher 2015
Above: Nick Cannon took over the evening to DJ and get folks dancing. (This would be the part where I hid behind one of the tents staring across the pier at the view (OK maybe the cute sailors too) while folks did the wobble, the nae nae, danced with minions, enjoyed cocktails and more!). You guys know I met Nick Cannon in person when he presented me with his Monster NCredible N-Tune On-Ear Headphones at an event for Staples, if you missed that one press HERE.

I found this great hidden spot behind the tents where everyone was dancing with Minions. They were dancing, I was watching the sunset with a 'grown folks lemonade', despite my best attempts to hide from people because I was on 'talking at me overload' at that point. (Introverts really have to work very hard to put themself in that mode where conversations happen for so many concurrent hours in a day NON-stop.) But despite my best attempts at hiding, people found me anyway. Stranger after stranger spoke to me and I met some amazing bloggers who traveled so far to be at BlogHer and even bloggers who knew me well and knew I needed some space would come over and pull me out of there, and for all of them I am VERY grateful. Once almost everyone was on the dance floor I took it as my cue to slip out and catch one of the first buses back to the conference hotel.

Ascending Butterfly and Ronald McDonald Selfie 01 during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
I am wearing a blouse by MiracleSuit and Jeans by Silver Jeans
Above: As you can see even Ronald was taking Selfies and I couldn't resist, for me, Mascot photos are EVERYTHING!

Ascending Butterfly and Ronald McDonald Selfie 02 during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Top: MiracleSuit, Jeans: Silver Jeans, Handbag: Guess, Sunglasses: (worn on my head) Foster Grant
Above: Something always tells me to have a different person take an extra shot, 'just in case' and I was glad I did this time as the first one was super blurry! (As some people have asked, that is NOT a roller coaster behind me!)


The McDonalds Closing Party is always one of the parties I look forward to during BlogHer, I will say that most of the parties were fun this year and I also greatly enjoyed the Karoake Party. I hit more parties this year than usual and had to cut back on a few off site evening events hosted by brands to do so. I tried to strike as best a balance as I could between 2 overlapping conferences, 2 major events I cover annually that are at least 2 hours on their own, and brand invites and expo hall exhibitor booths and panels. I have attended BlogHer so often that has become much easier to strike a balance and be sure I hit the things that really matter to me. For conference newbies, as soon as the conference posts it's itinerary/agenda, print it, print every brand event invite, then open a google calendar and beginning inputting what you want to attend. Put it ALL in. Then look for overlaps, factor in times that it takes to get from one thing to another, yes even if it's in the same building, you will be competing for hallway walkway space with HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of other people trying to get their rooms too. Don't Overpack your schedule. And if you didn't leave posts scheduled you will regret it, the only time you may have to get posts up are at night (and it will be difficult to get on the conference wifi!), and most days start super early. Keep all that in mind! If you are a member of BlogHer here is the direct link to the Closing Party Photos on FLCKR.

What is your favorite Boyz II Men Song? Would you have joined Nick Cannon's Dance Prompts? Were you THERE? If so, please leave the link to your Closing Party recap, I would love to see it!

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FTC Disclosure: This is a NON -compensated post, no monetary compensation has been received and this is an event recap (food and beverages were provided). All my opinions are 100% MY OWN. I was a Vitabath Brand Ambassador for the BlogHer 2015 Conference. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

{#WordlessWednesday} Recap of @BloggerBashNYC Blogging Conference #BBNYC #sweetsuite15 in Photos!

@BloggerBashNYC Blogging Conference #BBNYC #sweetsuite15

We have already established I will never be able to go totally Wordless. I try. I really do.

For most of you in the blogger loop this year a very tricky blog conference overlap occured in New York City - two top notch blogging conferences - BlogHer and Blogger Bash both went on pretty much at the same time.

No bueno!

I'm a New York City born and raised girl and I knew that with the venues for both conferences being far from close this was going to be tricky for me. And it was. Decisions were made, and some goings on at both conferences were missed. It's a FANTASTIC problem to have and I am not complaining. I am humbled to have been invited to attend both conferences at no cost to me. (Long time readers know that I am on a very strict budget for a variety of reasons!)

I am not even going to go down the - 'which conference was better road' - at this point in my blogging career I have learned that being asked to pick a favorite conference is like being asked to pick a favorite child (if you have children of course, which you all know I do NOT!) - they all have different strengths and weaknesses.

So what's a butterfly to do?

'Conference hop' of course!

I am a total introvert you all know that. I think my event recaps are popular because I take photos of literally everything I see at events, except myself if at all possible. I have an aversion to 'step and repeats' and my attitude about them is pretty much 'who needs to see another photo of someone in front of a branded backsplash? Tres Dull right?'

I have always had a soft spot for one very specific type of photo, MASCOT photos, I live for them, I am obsessed with them, and they are pretty much the only photos where I am super relaxed and happy and laid back about being photographed.

Now I will say this - PR/BRANDS - please pay attention to this: Do NOT force me to take a photo at your booth with the threat of you not talking to me at all if I don't. I HATE that, all bloggers hate that and even if we would have taken that photo, we will walk away if you directly tell us the only way to get your attention is to be forced into taking a photo. Tres TACKY. and that is not the way to start what should be a 'partnership'.

Here is the rundown of the mascot heaven that was Sweet Suite at Blogger Bash:

Above: The fantasy land fun was established the moment I walked into Sweet Suite!

Above: Pretty in pink!

Above: These friendly smiles set the tone for the fun that was waiting for us inside!

Above: I am big fan of looking both up AND down, I found another shareable sticker on the floor!

Above: Aren't these floral arrangements by Teleflora super pretty?

Above: This is called the Perfect Drink and I NEED one of these in my life right now. I truly wish THIS had been in our box of awesomeness, as a Lifestyle Blogger based in the city that never sleeps mastering the perfect cocktail is an absolute MUST. I will be reaching out to them to see if we can partner and do something fun for you guys (and for me too, tee hee, and wink wink!)

Above: Isn't this SuperGirl Costume awesome? The theme of girls being a super hero too was definitely strong at Blogger Bash and I was all about it!

Above: Like I said unleashing your girl power and super hero power was a running theme, what's NOT to love? Follow the hashtag #IAmElemental on social media to learn more!

Above: And while she is not a 'super hero' Strawberry Shortcake was a big part of my childhood and I was totally stoked to see her at Blogger Bash. You can also follow her hashtag, #StrawberryShortcake

Above: An instagram moment with TWO hashtags no less! Both #StrawberryShortcake and #BerryBestBits

Above: I got to attend the CareBears Breakfast, well more like watch it, although I arrived early there were NO seats and because I did not have a seat I didn't get a gift bag so I was super bummed! Some bad blogger behavior happening with people taking multiple bags or putting pocketbooks on seats and not moving them. When I arrived the bear was on break so it took awhile to nab these shots!

Above: Seriously can anyone really resist the 'cuddly-ness' that is a Care Bear?

Above: Finally! I got my shot with the bear!

Above: A blogging pal took one with her phone and my DSLR just in case, I was NOT missing this moment. If I wasn't getting a gift bag I was getting a photo! (BTW, the 'lei of mini care bears' is a total photo prop, we were not allowed to keep them, le sigh!)

Above: I had to nab a shot with Peppa Pig!

Above: Snoopy was at Blogger Bash last year and I was super happy to see Snoopy again this year, my Godmother even had a poodle named Snoopy! I was so excited I forgot to take off my glasses, you guys know I rarely take photos with my glasses on! Sunglasses yes, 'seeing' glasses NO. LOL

Above: After the Care Bears Breakfast, Blogger Bash attendees were wisked off in buses to a private 'Blue Man Group' experience. Yes I have already seen the show and covered it here on Ascending Butterfly, so it says A LOT that I signed up to do this because I wanted to see it again!

Above: Unfortunately this is the second time my photo WITH a Blue Man didn't come out, next time I am just going to have the person use my cellphone instead of the DSLR but I did nab a shot with fellow bloggers showing off our supercool blue VIP bracelets! And this is my only Blogger Bash 'step and repeat' shot!


The exact skinny on my pros and cons? Glad you asked:


✔ Blogger Bash is totally FUN
✔ Mascots Heaven
✔ Toys - but not just the sheer quantity of them, the fact that the swag is not a bag of goodness, but an entire BOX OF AWESOMENESS that is mailed to you - hello, no back breaking lugging stuff around from place to place or knocking into everyone as you walk around the venue. TOTAL PLUS!


This is a con for all conferences, this trend toward "VIP" ticketing is a HUGE Pet Peeve of mine. I wish Blogger Bash would drop this and not follow the herd on this trend. But at the end of the day conferences are a businesses and organizers will do what benefits the bottom line. I get it, I just don't like it.

Overall impression: As a Lifestyle Blogger who does NOT have children, I gravitate more toward the nostalgic toys that bring me back to my own childhood. As I don't have kids I don't have anyone to be a 'product tester' so the ton of toy pitches that follow this conference aren't a real win/win for me in that regard so seeing a bit more variety in brands this year was definitely a plus. I posted some of the standout toys when I un-boxed the swag BOX of awesomeness on instagram, so be sure you are following me there too, time has forced me to do more micro-blogging at events and that's the best way to see the conference unfold in real time or see products that I am sent or pitched that may not get a full feature on these pages due to time constraints.

If you are a parent/mom blogger this is DEFINITELY the conference for YOU, it will have you covered for pretty much any child age range you focus on. As a lifestyle blogger I would love to see a bit more variety next year (I do get it's a 'night of play' - but I miss some of last year's stuff like the covergirl suite (I mean free lipsticks/lippies you know I love wearing a signature red lip everyday, I run out of REDS super fast! LOL), the hijinx of the angry birds after party, and I'm all about last year's wine brand)

Did YOU attend Blogger Bash? If so, what did you think of it? What is your personal favorite of all the blogging conferences you have attended? If you haven't attended one yet, which one is on your wishlist?

As always no formal linky here, bloggers feel free to leave a comment with the link to your Wordless Wednesday Photo this week and we will be sure to pay you a visit! (NO Giveway links please, WW only!)

˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙

FTC Disclosure: This is a NON -compensated post, no monetary compensation has been received and this is an event recap (a gift box was received). All my opinions are 100% MY OWN. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Monday, August 24, 2015

During #Blogher15 @Staples took us all #BacktoSchool #StaplesBTS - Are YOU ready?

Blogging Conferences come with their share of private events (and in some cases have VIP badges that offer a very difference experience than the standard conference badge) and this year during BlogHer15, Staples organized an invite only Breakfast to help Bloggers get ready for Back-to-School with special appearances by TV Personality Leeza Gibbons and Jamie Primak Sullivan of #cawfeetawk and Bravo TV's Jersey Belle.

Check out this video!

Some of the 'Trends' & Initiatives by Staples for 2015 include:

Designed by Students - Who knows what students need better than students right? (Well maybe Teachers!), but this line of products and tools designed by students to help address common classroom needs include The Big Pen (a pencil case and writing instrument all-in-one), the Big Props Pencil Case (doubles as a tablet stand) and the Super Folder which includes storage areas, a zipper pouch, clear pockets for class schedules, a pencil sharpener, sticky notes and a writing pad!

Positive Impact/Me to We - Staples and Me to We (a social enterprise that provides people with better choices for a better world) have joined forces to make socially conscious shopping easy with a line of eco-friendly school supplies. Each product provides a life-changing impact in a developing community where Me to We's partner, Free the Children works and the Me to We Collection includes notebooks, composition books, binders, portfolios, backpacks, pencil pouches and more with a price range from $1.99 - $29.99

Want to know HOW your purchase makes a SPECIFIC Impact?

Me to We Core Notebook provides MEDICINE
Me to We 10.5" Notebook provides FARM SEEDS
Me to We Journal provides MEDICINE
Me to We Composition Book provides MEDICINE
Me to We Casemade Binder provides ONE TREE
Me to We Portfolio provides CLEAN WATER
Me to We Water Bottle provides CLEAN WATER FOR ONE WEEK

Camouflage - an 'army' of backpacks and accessories (no pun intended)! The OGIO Evader and Stellar Backpacks feature a large main compartment, padded laptop sleeve and ergonomic shoulder straps for comfort and there are coordinating Camouflage Composition Books and a Maze Calculator to match.

Tech Pop Design - Exclusive Teen Vogue products which are only available at Staples (we have featured the collection before HERE), look for Teen Vogue BETTER Binders, Staplers, Patterned Folders and Staples Tech Pop Folders in stores.

Graphic Design - Look for Continental Into the Wild and Continental Vibrance Notebooks and Composition Books and Tie-dye, inspirational sayings and fun graphics (including glasses and mustaches) from Gartner Studios.

Fun for School - with favorite characters including The Avengers, Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Disney Frozen and more!

Metallic - If your DD loves glitter, diamonds and sassy sayings in combos of pink, silver, purple and bold/sparkly hues this is the collection for her! (or him, just saying, no judgement!)

Technology - From Scientific Calculators to Tablets including my particular fave the Microsoft Surface Pro, you can find the tech that your student needs at Staples as well!

Tech Accessories - Staples Flat Charge & Sync USB Cables, for a 'cool factor' the Light Pulse Electroluminescent Charge and Sync Cable or even iPhone Cases, there are tech accessories to suit a wide variety of tastes.

Organizational Supplies - Mom, Teacher and Students can benefit from desktop organization from Staples Desk Accessories Collection, Sky Planners, Calendars and more! (As a former Special Ed Teacher I can tell you a gift card to Staples is WAY more useful than an Apple! Teachers often fund their classrooms from their own salary, particularly in public schools so a gift card to Staples as a gift to Teacher can really go a LONG way!)

Left: Jaime Primak Sullivan of #cawfeetawk and Bravo TV's Jersey Belle, Center: ME!, Right: TV Personality Leeza Gibbons!
Above: Left: Jaime Primak Sullivan of #cawfeetawk and Bravo TV's Jersey Belle, Center: ME!, Right: TV Personality Leeza Gibbons!


With Staples 110% Price Match Guarantee (through 9/15) and Super Wide Selection you can definitely consider them 'your one-stop shop' for Back-to-School this year! I have always admired Leeza Gibbons and it was neat to finally meet her in person! She is super down to earth. The photo above is the pro-shot that was taken, someone accidentally cut off their heads in the personal photo I had someone take with my camera and they were nice enough to take another photo. I didn't notice until I got home and saw the second photo on screen that my eyes were completely closed so I opted to use the pro shot instead for this post!

and what is a Blogging Conference Event without an awesome gift bag right?

Can't get mad at this big bag of 'swaggu'!

Have you done all your Back-To-School Shopping yet? Even if you don't have to shop for BTS (I get ya, I don't have children either!), many of the items above are just as perfect for a Home Office, which item referenced appeals to you MOST?

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FTC Disclosure: This is a NON -compensated post in conjunction with Staples, this is an event recap (a gift bag was received) and all my opinions are 100% MY OWN. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

#ad: Photos from the @worldmarket Press/Media Preview of #WorldMarketNYC + a #sweepstakes and MORE ways to win!

Ad: This Post Is Sponsored By:

Cost Plus World Market Logo
Remember on Monday when I told you about the upcoming opening of Cost Plus World Market's Newest Location in New York City? (Refresh your memory HERE!) By the way your feedback on that post was amazing and for those of you in cities where Cost Plus World Market doesn't have a 'brick and mortar' presence I am going to be sure to share your feedback with the 'powers that be' there - you never know when a location may pop up in a city near YOU!

On Tuesday, August 18th I got the chance to attend The Cost Plus World Market NYC Store Press/Media Preview event and it was a blast!

On Monday I shared a few of the publicity photos, which actually gave me a basis as to what I wanted to see up close and personal as well as taking some photos of the goings on at the Media Preview, so here is the opening in pictures, the first one shared is from my instagram feed:

Cost Plus World Market Press Media Preview Event for the New York City Store Grand Opening
This was taken from my phone to post to instagram!
It is definitely a 'power address' - 620 Sixth Avenue (Chelsea area between 18th and 19th Streets) is a bit like a mini-mall and there are a few other stores in that building, so you can call the building a one stop shop! I would have taken an exterior shot for you guys but there was a big construction awning outside the building that day.

DJ at Cost Plus World Market Press Media Preview Event for the New York City Store Grand Opening
DJ at Cost Plus World Market New York City Media/Press Preview Event
The official store Grand Opening begins TODAY (on Thursday, August 20th 2015 at 8:00 am). The first 100 customers through the doors from Thursday, August 20th through Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 will receive a re-usable canvas tote bag, NOTE: Each day 10 totes will contain a $50 World Market Gift Card (which can be used in store AND online at, but they will also be doing a scavenger hunt of sorts around the city for chances to win ADDITIONAL Cost Plus World Market Gift Cards!

And guess who already knows where they are going to be giving them out? If you guessed THIS butterfly you are CORRECT! So be sure to follow me (@Tracy_Iglesias) and World Market @worldmarket) on twitter as we will be tweeting out the clues as to where you can find the Cost Plus World Market Street Team around the city! All tweets will include the #WorldMarketNYC hashtag so be sure to follow all for hints so you can win a gift card! (This post ends with another way to win that will be fun for those of you who don't live in NYC to get a chance to win something too!)

There was a photo wall that contained the history of Cost Plus World Market in images which I thought was pretty awesome:

Photo Wall of Store History at Cost Plus World Market Press Media Preview Event for the New York City Store Grand Opening
I fell in LOVE with this sideboard:

Cost Plus World Market Double Shutter Doors Holbrook Sideboard
Cost Plus World Market Double Shutter Doors Holbrook Sideboard
Long time readers know I have thing for Buddha Art, so this little guy who looked ever so lonesome like he wanted me to take him home caught my eye:

Cost Plus World Market Buddha Statue
What is a party in NYC without an 'adult' beverage or two? This wine was great and I am going to have add this one to my wine collection:

SkyFall Vineyard Pinot Gris Columbia Valley 2013 (More Please!)
I fell in love with these for my bathroom, I need to find a cute tray and candle to go with it:
Cost Plus World Market Mediterranean Sea Potpourri
Cost Plus World Market Mediterranean Sea Potpourri

I love how their logo is etched into the wood, I saw this on the wall and had to nab a shot:

DISCOUNT: During Grand Opening Weekend Only shoppers will receive a 20% discount on all purchases made in the Chelsea Store! You can nab the coupon HERE!


Can't be in New York City for Grand Opening Weekend but would like a shot at a Gift Card too? No worries butterflies, I've got you covered! Check out the Cost Plus World Market 'Spruce Up Your Space' Sweepstakes! Grand Prize Package: a $5,000 World Market Shopping Spree PLUS a FREE room design with Decorist Celebrity Designer Kelli Ellis. Plus, THREE First Place Prizes who will receive a $1,000 World Market Gift Card PLUS a FREE room design with a Decorist Designer. But Hurry, this Sweepstakes ends 8/30 so get in your entry HERE.


Be sure to follow and use the #WorldMarketNYC hashtag to keep track of all the fab happenings and the special surprises around the city on 8/20

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Follow Cost Plus World Market on FACEBOOK
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Follow Cost Plus World Market on  TWITTER
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Follow Cost Plus World Market on INSTAGRAM


My only cons are because of New York State Liquor license laws, the NY Chelsea store will NOT offer any wine, and since I can't order it online either, I am bummed I can't get their great selection to my door. They also won't be selling food at the Chelsea store, but their foods will be available at the Bed, Bath and Beyond store right next to them, so at least I can try those. I really loved getting a chance to see the online items up close. There were certain items I was going to discount based on the online descriptions, but seeing them in person changed my mind completely, there are a few storage and living space items that look so much 'richer' in person than they do online, and as for me and sofas, I need to give them a 'butt test' as in 'sit my butt on them and see if they are comfy' - and one of the daybeds which I would have never thought of, was so comfortable when I tested it that I am adding it to my wishlist and will purchase very soon.

The Press Preview was a blast and you may even spot me there for Grand Opening Weekend as well.

Have you ever shopped at Cost Plus World Market? What room in your home most needs a makeover? What items would you purchase if you won the "Spruce Up Your Space Sweepstakes"?

˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙

FTC Disclosure: This is a compensated/sponsored post in conjunction with Cost Plus World Market, and all my opinions are 100% MY OWN. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Monday, August 17, 2015

@worldmarket is opening a store in New York City and I've got the Scoop AND some #discounts! #WorldMarketNYC #ad

Ad: This Post Is Sponsored By:

Cost Plus World Market Logo
A little something for everyone? I would say so:

 Home Decor
 Global Food

With over 270 retail locations (in 33 states) and a strong online presence, Cost Plus World Market is already known for their broad and unique assortment of home goods (and MORE including over 500 international wines!), as a New York City girl I am super stoked to share with you that Cost Plus is coming to NYC! They have a location in Livingston, New Jersey, but that one is a bit too far for me so the fact that one is coming to New York City couldn't make me happier!

Living Room Vignette at Cost Plus World Market
The 5,000 square feet wonderland of shopping nirvana will be housed in the eclectic Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan and will showcase lifestyle vignettes that serve to provide inspiration on how to design your space, and even better still: NEW YORK area customers will have the opportunity to see in person select 'online-only' offerings (don't you just love an exclusive?).

The Manhattan Store is located in Chelsea at 620 Sixth Avenue between 18th and 19th Streets and the official store Grand Opening begins on Thursday, August 20th 2015 at 8:00 am. The first 100 customers through the doors from Thursday, August 20th through Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 will receive a re-usable canvas tote bag, NOTE: Each day 10 totes will contain a $50 World Market Gift Card (which can be used in store AND online at, but wait there's MORE!

Living Room Vignette with Chair at Cost Plus World Market
DISCOUNT: During Grand Opening Weekend Only shoppers will receive a 20% discount on all purchases made in the Chelsea Store! You can nab the coupon HERE!

Check out the cool video for the NYC store:

Remember how the title of this post talks about 'scoop'? If you are not already following Cost Plus World Market on their social channels, you want to be sure to stop and take a moment to do that right NOW because on Thursday, August 20th there will be special surprises around the city in conjunction with the opening weekend, and the only way to find out WHERE these surprises are going down and when is by following Cost Plus World Market carefully on their social media channels, be sure you are following me too, I will be keeping you abreast of all the happenings on my channels as well, and I will be hitting the Press/Media Preview so I'll get to see the store before it opens and will be posting on my social channels as well!

Bedroom Vignette at Cost Plus World Market

Be sure to follow and use the #WorldMarketNYC hashtag to keep track of all the fab happenings and the special surprises around the city on 8/20 (and get glimpses from the Press Preview by following me as I will be posting on Tuesday evening 8/18).

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Anytime I can shop globally but do so LOCALLY I am all for it. I like to march to the beat of my own drummer and I want my space to be unique and eclectic, finding items that aren't 'cookie-cutter' and be bought anywhere just appeals to me greatly, always has, always will. I am looking forward to having Cost Plus World Market accessible to me locally, as much as I love shopping online, there are just certain purchases where I need to see, touch/feel and now I have the opportunity to do just that.

Have you ever shopped at Cost Plus World Market? What room in your home most needs a makeover?

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FTC Disclosure: This is a compensated/sponsored post in conjunction with Cost Plus World Market, and all my opinions are 100% MY OWN. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.