Showing posts with label concert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concert. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

Did you miss the @BoyzIIMen Concert & @NickCannon at the #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15 @McDonalds Closing Party?

Boyz II Men  in concert for McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Boyz II Men  in concert for McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Don't get me wrong, we haven't quite come to 'the end of the road' - there is a lot more to cover from BlogHer15 and I'm just taking the event in bite size chunks. I can't imagine re-capping everything there was to see and do in one post. Despite juggling my time between 2 over-lapping conferences in New York City, I still have folders worth of photos from BlogHer, organized, but I haven't had time to optimize the raw files yet!

The McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015 included a live concert with BoyzIIMen singing their hits!

I got there literally just in the 'nick-of-time' as they had already started the first song in the set! (I was running to the buses from another event that had nothing to do with either of the two over-lapping conferences - told you I was a very busy girl this summer!)

I took some video of the concert on my phone:

I had no idea just how long it takes YouTube to convert footage that was actually under 10 minutes! But I thought having some footage would give you a better sense of what it was like to actually be there!

McNuggets Way and Happy Meal Place at #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
I did not get to eat a thing, I tried to get in what I thought was a line, but the line ended up wrapping around and around me with no begnining or end anymore and it felt like the line was going to swallow me whole. I wanted to shout "They are giving out MCNUGGETS NOT GOLD NUGGETS STOP SHOVING!" The line began to feel like an undulating snake that was just literally moving you whether you wanted to move or not. That was my breaking point.

I opted to find small openings and wriggle my way out of it all. I know what McDonalds taste like. (I personally think this part of their annual party is better indoors at the conference hotel, I never remember having trouble getting to the food there.)

I did really enjoy the concert! And ending what was a conference that has kept bringing bloggers back for a decade now outdoors was actually great! This party is usually the sort of late night closing 'after party' held super late in a room that is quite dark most years so to see this party 'by day' was a new and interesting experience. It didn't lose it's cool that's for sure.

BoyzIIMen throwing roses to audience during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Above: When Boyz II Men started throwing Roses into the crowd you could probably hear the screaming on the other side of the pier! (Not sure what was going on over there on the opposite side of the Pier but there were tons of cute Sailors all in white!) I wanted to find out what was going on over there, but wasn't about to lose my spot at the concert!

If we were born around the same time, this music was probably the soundtrack a school age breakup of some sort. I found it funny when they would hold out the mic and let the audience take over, we all knew the songs word by word, there was nobody fake humming! Gotta LOVE that! Sadly I was not pelted with any roses, but I'm sure I was probably too far (God Bless the Zoom Feature on Cameras! LOL - It allows us anti-social folks to keep a very nice distance and still capture the action like we were right up front and in the mix even though we weren't!)

Nick Cannon takes the turntables during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Nick Cannon takes the turntables at the McDonalds Closing Party at Blogher 2015
Above: Nick Cannon took over the evening to DJ and get folks dancing. (This would be the part where I hid behind one of the tents staring across the pier at the view (OK maybe the cute sailors too) while folks did the wobble, the nae nae, danced with minions, enjoyed cocktails and more!). You guys know I met Nick Cannon in person when he presented me with his Monster NCredible N-Tune On-Ear Headphones at an event for Staples, if you missed that one press HERE.

I found this great hidden spot behind the tents where everyone was dancing with Minions. They were dancing, I was watching the sunset with a 'grown folks lemonade', despite my best attempts to hide from people because I was on 'talking at me overload' at that point. (Introverts really have to work very hard to put themself in that mode where conversations happen for so many concurrent hours in a day NON-stop.) But despite my best attempts at hiding, people found me anyway. Stranger after stranger spoke to me and I met some amazing bloggers who traveled so far to be at BlogHer and even bloggers who knew me well and knew I needed some space would come over and pull me out of there, and for all of them I am VERY grateful. Once almost everyone was on the dance floor I took it as my cue to slip out and catch one of the first buses back to the conference hotel.

Ascending Butterfly and Ronald McDonald Selfie 01 during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
I am wearing a blouse by MiracleSuit and Jeans by Silver Jeans
Above: As you can see even Ronald was taking Selfies and I couldn't resist, for me, Mascot photos are EVERYTHING!

Ascending Butterfly and Ronald McDonald Selfie 02 during #McDBlogHer #BlogHer15  McDonalds Closing Party at BlogHer 2015
Top: MiracleSuit, Jeans: Silver Jeans, Handbag: Guess, Sunglasses: (worn on my head) Foster Grant
Above: Something always tells me to have a different person take an extra shot, 'just in case' and I was glad I did this time as the first one was super blurry! (As some people have asked, that is NOT a roller coaster behind me!)


The McDonalds Closing Party is always one of the parties I look forward to during BlogHer, I will say that most of the parties were fun this year and I also greatly enjoyed the Karoake Party. I hit more parties this year than usual and had to cut back on a few off site evening events hosted by brands to do so. I tried to strike as best a balance as I could between 2 overlapping conferences, 2 major events I cover annually that are at least 2 hours on their own, and brand invites and expo hall exhibitor booths and panels. I have attended BlogHer so often that has become much easier to strike a balance and be sure I hit the things that really matter to me. For conference newbies, as soon as the conference posts it's itinerary/agenda, print it, print every brand event invite, then open a google calendar and beginning inputting what you want to attend. Put it ALL in. Then look for overlaps, factor in times that it takes to get from one thing to another, yes even if it's in the same building, you will be competing for hallway walkway space with HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of other people trying to get their rooms too. Don't Overpack your schedule. And if you didn't leave posts scheduled you will regret it, the only time you may have to get posts up are at night (and it will be difficult to get on the conference wifi!), and most days start super early. Keep all that in mind! If you are a member of BlogHer here is the direct link to the Closing Party Photos on FLCKR.

What is your favorite Boyz II Men Song? Would you have joined Nick Cannon's Dance Prompts? Were you THERE? If so, please leave the link to your Closing Party recap, I would love to see it!

˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙

FTC Disclosure: This is a NON -compensated post, no monetary compensation has been received and this is an event recap (food and beverages were provided). All my opinions are 100% MY OWN. I was a Vitabath Brand Ambassador for the BlogHer 2015 Conference. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Nominate a Special Dad for an @NYBG Father's Day Concert + Frida Al Fresco Experience in New York City! #FridaNYBG


Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Neon Sign at Cantina in The New York Botanical Garden

I think we all know by now and can all agree that Dad does not want a tie for Father's Day right?

Tired of the same old Father's Day Gift Ideas?  How about an experience instead?

Since May I have been sharing my coverage of Frida Kahlo: Art. Garden. Life at The New York Botanical Garden. I have taken more photos than I can possibly fit into one post so I will create a Pinterest Board that will be a work in progress of the experience to date. (I already made one for the Mastercard Priceless Experience with Chef Aaron Sanchez that occured at The New York Botanical Garden, if you missed that one click HERE). 

Remember when I told you all this coverage was leading up to something special for YOU? As promised, I come with a Special Giveaway!

Do you think Dad would like an experience that combines nature, art, music, and dance in a very special setting with a fun concert too?

I shared my coverage of the Media Day for the exhibition, but what I haven't yet shared and will do so now is the opening weekend of the 'evening version' of the exhibition called 'Frida Al Fresco' where the Garden comes alive after hours!

There is MUSIC:

Contemporary Mexican Ensemble Group, The Villalobos Brothers, Musical Artists in Residence and are performing at The New York Botanical Garden, Music, Live Concert, Outdoor Concert
AboveContemporary Mexican Ensemble Group, The Villalobos Brothers are Musical Artists in Residence and are performing at The New York Botanical Garden in conjunction with the Frida Kahlo - Art. Garden. Life Special Exhibition

Contemporary Mexican Ensemble Group, The Villalobos Brothers, Musical Artists in Residence and are performing at The New York Botanical Garden, Music, Live Concert, Outdoor Concert

Above: Look who joined in on the fun, a dancing Frida!

Contemporary Mexican Ensemble Group, The Villalobos Brothers, Musical Artists in Residence and are performing at The New York Botanical Garden, Music, Live Concert, Outdoor Concert

Contemporary Mexican Ensemble Group, The Villalobos Brothers, Musical Artists in Residence and are performing at The New York Botanical Garden, Music, Live Concert, Outdoor Concert, Alberto Villalobos
Above: I asked The Villalobos Brothers to sign my CD! Left: Alberto Villalobos.
 Mariachi Flor de Toloache performing live outdoors at The New York Botanical Garden for Frida Al Fresco Evenings

Above: Mariachi Flor de Toloache performing live outdoors at The New York Botanical Garden for Frida Al Fresco Evenings

There is ART:

Paper Mache Mask Sculpture designed by Alberto Villalobos of The Villalobos Brothers on display at The New York Botanical Garden
Above: Did you notice these masks were onstage during The Villalobos outdoor concert in the photos above? There is a very significant reason for that, this mask was designed and created by Alberto Villalobos himself. (By the way he also handcrafted one of the violins being used in the concert also!) I can see why they are 'Artists in Residence' - for both their artistic and musical talent it seems! Color me blown away!

7 ft tall paper mache sculpture entitled “Quetzalcoatl” (inspired by the Aztec deity and creator of mankind, and coming from the Nahuatl language meaning "Feathered serpent”)
Above: In addition to the Paper Mache Masks, there was also a 7 ft tall paper mache sculpture entitled “Quetzalcoatl” (inspired by the Aztec deity and creator of mankind, and coming from the Nahuatl language meaning "Feathered serpent”) on display, but I wasn't able to nab a shot of it.

There is DANCE:

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden
Above: Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden
Above: Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden

Calpulli Danza Mexicana performing outdoors at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden
Above: Calpulli Danza Mexicana at Frida Kahlo Art Garden Life Exhibition at The New York Botanical Garden. They finished their performance to great applause! I took video, as soon as I upload it to YouTube I will be sure to add it!

Dancing Frida Kahlo performs alongside Mariachi Flor de Toloache at The New York Botanical Garden Frida Khalo Art Garden Life Exhibition

Above: This dancing Frida performed alongside Mariachi Flor de Toloache. Do I get props for capturing this motion without blur or what?

Dancing Frida Kahlo performs alongside Mariachi Flor de Toloache at The New York Botanical Garden Frida Khalo Art Garden Life Exhibition

Dancing Frida Kahlo performs alongside Mariachi Flor de Toloache at The New York Botanical Garden Frida Khalo Art Garden Life Exhibition

Dancing Frida Kahlo performs alongside Mariachi Flor de Toloache at The New York Botanical Garden Frida Khalo Art Garden Life Exhibition

Above: The person behind me who saw the preview of this shot on my camera was blown away as I was literally holding my camera up above the crowds head to get this shot! I may have been on my tiptoes the whole time so the fact the camera didn't pick up my movement and I didn't get much shake in the shot is something I have to admit that I'm kinda pleased with myself about. Maybe my calling is really to photograph dancers?

There is FOOD and DRINK:

Above: Warning, the lines for this truck are usually a bit long, but the food is prepared fresh, and is so worth the wait! Don't pass up a chance to grab some eats from La Casa Azul Food Truck! If you can't stand the wait try the Hudson Garden Grill which has a special menu in conjunction with the exhibition.

Above: This pic was actually taken with my phone because I posted it to instagram. I got quite a few likes for this one, you guys really love your food! I highly suggest the fish tacos from La Casa Azul Taco Truck!

On Father's Day there will be a special 'Canciones de mi Padre' (Songs of My Father) concert - the top selling non-English album in American History and this special performance of her landmark album of traditional Mexican folk songs will be performed under the stars by The Villalobos Brothers and Humberto Flores at The New York Botanical Garden and I want YOU to take your Dad!


I have been enjoying the exhibition and love that no two experiences have been the same. Frida Al Fresco during the evenings was such a fun and laid back way to meet new people and if you check out the event schedule they are truly mixing things up so that each visit will really offer up something unique for the visitors. 

I wanted to give you a few tips to maximize your experience:

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - The Paper Dresses are in Ross Hall, Ross Hall doesn't stay open late so if you are going for Frida Al Fresco during the evening, but want to see the Paper Dresses, plan to arrive a little earlier so you can hit Ross Hall first!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Photography is NOT permitted in the Art Gallery

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Large Backpacks will not be permitted on the grounds and there is no coat check, so please plan accordingly

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - La Casa Azul Taco Truck is AWESOME, the food is prepared while you wait that is why the average wait time can be very long, so if it is not to crowded when you arrive, HIT THAT before a line forms.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Your advanced admission includes a complimentary cocktail which you pick up at the Cantina. The Cantina is to your left when you walk past the ticketing. Same tip applies here as above, if it's not to crowded when you get there, get your drink then so you don't end up losing time in lines.


Nominate a Special Dad (can be your Dad, Grandpa, your Husband, Your Brother, Uncle - the choice is yours) by telling us what makes him special. Is your Dad gone? If you would like to take along a special Adult Grad instead, tell us something about your special Grad.

Use the rafflecopter widget below to enter (if the widget seems 'stuck' just refresh your browser, it might have 'fallen asleep while you were reading!):

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please Note: This giveaway is only open to those 21 years of age and above. The Frida Al Fresco evenings tickets come with a complimentary Modelo Especial Draft Cerveza (beer) OR a Jose Cuervo Tradicional Margarita. (Ascending Butterfly will NOT be held responsible if you are denied access to the event or bar because winner or guest is not of age, there are NO subsitutions to this prize)

The Prize: This giveaway includes one pair of passes to Frida Al Fresco (one winner and one guest) which will allow you to enjoy the Father's Day Concert as well 2 copies of The Villalobos Brothers "Aliens of Extraordinary Ability" CD - one for you and one for your dad (this will be sent to you directly). It does NOT include airfare, hotel, parking or any additional expenses.

Who will you nominate to win this special experience? Your Dad or an Adult Grad? Why should your Dad or (adult) Grad win?

˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙˙·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•●•٠·˙

FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post, no monetary compensation has been received, and all opinions are 100% my own! I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Friday, April 25, 2014

@HBOLatino Santana Corazon: Live from Mexico - Live it to Believe it Special - behind the scenes Sneak Peek!

The Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It concert and documentary will air exclusively in the U.S. on HBO Latino on May 3rd, at 8:00 p.m. ET/7:00 p.m. CT. It will also be simulcast in Latin America and the Caribbean, and guess who got a sneak peek and behind the scenes 'Birds Eye View' during the premiere?

If you guessed ME, Ascending Butterfly and #TwitterPartyDJ extraordinaire then you definitely get a Gold Star! Check me out, 'hobnobbing'

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.

You are not going to want to miss the special, beyond being a historic concert event, Carlos Santana is releasing his FIRST-EVER Latin Music Album! Entitled 'Corazón', the album includes collaborations that spans genres including pop, rock, salsa, hip-hop, R&B, reggae and more!

The special includes a collection of interviews by his musical peers, fellow Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It concert performers, mixed with touching insights from members of his most intimate circles.

When it comes to the music industry Santana is without a doubt a tour de force, he has sold more than 100 million records, won 10 GRAMMY Awards, 3 Latin GRAMMY Awards, the Billboard Century Award (1996), Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (1998) and received the Billboard Latin Music Awards' Lifetime Achievement Honor in 2009. He has also been cited by Rolling Stone as #15 on their list of the '100 Greatest Guitarists of ALL Time." and as the only musical act in chart history to score at least one Top 10 Album in every decade beginning with the 60's. In 2013, Carlos Santana was the recipient of the 2013 Kennedy Center Honors Award.

Carlos Santana is certainly a legend, but what shines through the most is that he still approaches his craft with a level of what I call 'GGH' - Gratitude, GANAS and Humility that is admirable. This all still fills him with awe and still means something, he simply put lives to make great music. Lives to tell a story through song and instrument. He is a storyteller. And while all music tries to 'transport' you, some try to 'transform' you, and that is NOT easy to achieve.

I got a sneak peek  during the premiere and I wanted to be sure to share it all with you, here are some photos:

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, Lucinda Martinez, Carlos Santana, wife Cindy Blackman Santana and Clive Davis attend the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon" (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Lucinda Martinez, Jackie Gagne, Carlos Santana, wife Cindy Blackman Santana, Clive Davis, Gabriela Isler and Shelly Brown attend the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon" (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Actor Carlos Ponce and Miss Universe Gabriela Isler attends HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon" at Hudson Theatre. (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Actor Carlos Ponce hosts the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon" (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Students of the Little Kids Rock program perform during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon" (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Musician Carlos Santana accepts a guitar signed by 300 students of the Little Kids Rock program funded by his Milagros Foundation during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Musician Carlos Santana accepts a guitar signed by 300 students of the Little Kids Rock program funded by his Milagros Foundation during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Musician Carlos Santana accepts a guitar signed by 300 students of the Little Kids Rock program funded by his Milagros Foundation during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Carlos Santana and muralist John "Crash" Matos sign artwork created by Crash to be sold at auction benefitting Milagro Foundation during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Carlos Santana and muralist John "Crash" Matos pose next to artwork created by Crash to be sold at auction benefitting Milagro Foundation during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Frankie Negron attends HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

HBO Latino Santana-Corazón: Live from Mexico: Live It to Believe It Premiere Event.
Casa Noble Tequila serves up signature cocktails during the HBO Latino NYC Premiere of "Santana: De Corazon". (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for HBO Latino)

And of course you are going to want to check out a video preview to get excited for the concert airing:

Get the Album:

Press on the Album Cover Below to purchase Corazon (Deluxe Edition CD/DVD) (Amazon Exclusive):

 My Take:

Good Music takes you somewhere. It makes you feel something. I feel honored to have shared in the premiere, it was a moving tribute and celebration of an amazing artist. I hope the show resonates with you in the same way it did with me!

What is YOUR favorite Carlos Santana Track Butterflies?

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Monday, October 28, 2013

#MotivationMonday - Get #inspired by @Angela_Bofill + check out #Photo & #Video highlights from her @SmoothJazzNY Tribute!

Angela Bofill

You may remember that I hosted a reader giveaway for a VIP Experience for the Smooth Jazz New York Encore Sail for the Angela Bofill Experience. While this giveaway is already closed, please remember we are a Media Partner for Smooth Jazz and will be working them again VERY SOON for a fun giveaway, so check back SOON! (If you LOVE Wine, and especially love exploring and trying new Wines, and you are New York City Based, then this is going to be for YOU!)

I left this sail incredibly inspired by the strength of Angela Bofill, the entertainer and the The WOMAN! A two-time Stroke Survivor, Angela not only refused to give up on herself she refused to give up on her passion, her MUSIC. She was incredibly open, honest, raw and shared such an incredibly positive outlook and a perspective filled with humor and a love for life and each moment. When you get the chance to be in the presence of someone who keeps their energy so high and doesn't let any obstacles weigh them down, you can't help but feel inspired. You feel motivated and uplifted. You feel like anything is truly possible. And that's the gift Angela gave me that night. While my VIP experience on the sail was amazing, my nights with Smooth Jazz always tend to be, this one however held a more special place in my heart. A year to the date I was to be on the very same sail, but life veered me of course, and I never made that sail, I never made that ship and I spent a year and a half in and out of the hospital. Overcoming a ton of challenges of my own. I don't really know if I did it with the same humor Angela did, but my quiet Grace got me through. And being on that sail, on that night was already incredibly nostalgic for me. It already reminded me of how far I'd come since last year. And then seeing Angela, and hearing HER tell HER story filled me with renewed hope that there is nothing that can stand in MY way, unless I let it.

Lenny Green of The Quiet Storm Kicked things off during the Smooth Jazz Encore Angela Bofill Experience Cruise in New York City, October 2013!
Lenny Green of The Quiet Storm Kicked things off during the Smooth Jazz Encore Angela Bofill Experience Cruise in New York City, October 2013!

The concert had an incredible line up! Maysa on Vocals, Alex Bugnon on the Piano/Keyboard and Kim Waters on Saxophone all joined together to pay tribute to the one and only Ms. Angela Bofill. Other artists sent in Video Tribute Messages to her, and she sang and played the cowbell along to some of the songs. She mercilessly teased Kim Waters and kept the crowd, not just engaged, but happy, we were all smiling and cheering her on!

Maysa performing during Smooth Jazz Smooth Cruise Encore Angela Bofill Tribute Experience
Center: Maysa performing during Smooth Jazz Smooth Cruise Encore Angela Bofill Tribute Experience

Far Left Standing Angela (vocalist), followed by Maysia (vocalist in the blue dress), and far right: Saxophone Player Kim Waters
Far Left Standing Angela (vocalist), followed by Maysia (vocalist in the blue dress), and far right: Saxophone Player Kim Waters

Saxophone Player Kim Waters,  performing, Angela Bofill Tribute Experience
Center: Saxophone Player Kim Waters,  performing during Angela Bofill Tribute Experience

Left: Angela, back up singer, Center: Maysa who is helping Right: Ms. Angela Bofill to her seat on stage!
Left: Angela, back up singer, Center: Maysa who is helping Right: Ms. Angela Bofill to her seat on stage!

Angela Bofill on cowbell and Kim Waters on Saxophone on the Smooth Jazz Encore Cruise October 2013
Angela Bofill on cowbell and Kim Waters on Saxophone on the Smooth Jazz Encore Cruise October 2013

Alex Bugnon performs at the Smooth Jazz Encore Sail Angela Bofill Experience, New York City, October 2013
Alex Bugnon performs at the Smooth Jazz Encore Sail Angela Bofill Experience, New York City, October 2013

Left: Ascending Butterfly Right: Mama Butterfly taking in New York City at Night on the Smooth Jazz Encore Sail, October 2013
Left: Mama Butterfly, Center: Alex Bugnon, Right: ME! Ascending Butterfly, Smooth Jazz, Smooth Cruise, Angela Bofill Experience, New York City, Jazz, Music, Concerts
Left: Mama Butterfly, Center: Alex Bugnon, Right: ME! Ascending Butterfly - it was so cool meeting Alex Bugnon in person!

Saxophone Player and Jazz Musician Kim Waters at Angela Bofill Experience Smooth Jazz Encore Cruise Sail jazz, music, concert, New York City
Left Mama Butterfly meets Right: Saxophone Player and Jazz Musician Kim Waters!

Saxophone Player and Jazz Musician Kim Waters at Angela Bofill Experience Smooth Jazz Encore Cruise Sail jazz, music, concert, New York City
Left: Saxophone Player and Jazz Musician Kim Waters and Right: ME! Ascending Butterfly

Angela Bofill signs CD's for Fans after the Smooth Jazz Encore Cruise October 2013, New York City
Feel like you were there with highlights from the concert filmed on the LG G2 Smart Phone:

My Take:

The concert was amazing and I left totally inspired by Angela Bofill, she is a fighter in every sense of the word, and her sense of humor and spirit made everyone smile! It was super touching to see how emotional it was for her when they showed clips of her performing throughout the years.

Butterflies if she can keep pursuing her passion after such major setbacks, why can't YOU?

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FTC Disclosure: Smooth Jazz New York provided Ascending Butterfly with tickets to the Angela Bofill Experience Encore Sail for editorial consideration, all opinions are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may visit our full giveaway and disclosure page for complete policy information.