Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday! + #NYFW + Let's Throw in Some Philanthropy Too Just for Fun!

Christmas in February? You Bet! I'm a life long New Yorker, and for us, this is the most wonderful time of the year! Andy William's 'The Most Wonderful Time of The Year' has inspired me to write a Fashion Week Christmas Carol:

It's The Most Fashionable Time of the Year
The Fashions are Flowing
The Cool Breezes Blowing
Designers of Good Cheer.....

With The Bloggers a Buzzing,
The Cocktails keep flowing,
keeping me of Good Cheer,
Fashion Week is the most wonderful time,
the hap happiest time .....

Just a bit of Fashion Week levity to get the creative juices flowing! (My 'Fashion Carol' is still very much a work in progress!) :) 

Remember where I was last year around this time? (A little HINT) Today I am off to the EMU Australia Fall 2012 Fashion Show and I couldn't be more excited, it was one of my favorite shows last year, and I'm sure this year will be no different. I will definitely take pictures and post a recap as soon as I can.

And later in the evening I will be attending an event where Fashion and Philanthropy meet, you know just how much Ascending Butterfly supports giving back and the organizations and brands that do so!

Want to attend a swanky event at the Flatiron Hotel in NYC and support a good cause? $40 buys you admission to the F.A.B. (Fashion|Art|Beauty) semi annual event that will be raising money for the Toshi Now Foundation, which provides arts and entertainment scholarships to kids. Get your makeup done, have your hair styled, relax with a massage or bronze up with a spray tan with one of the beauty lounges in attendance. A whole lot of something FAB for YOU and a way to give back too! Great way to wind down from Fashion Week Insanity! Nab a ticket while there is still time HERE.

WINNER: Congratulations to Lily K (Entry #368), she is our In Bloom by Jonquil $80 Giveaway Winner! Bummed you didn't win? Didn't quite get the gift you wanted for Valentine's Day? Don't get mad, get it yourself, and at a great discount! Use the coupon code “butterflies” (without the quotes when you enter it in), it will give you $10 off a purchase of $50+ at In Bloom by Jonquil - good through March 1, 2012. (Please note the first In Bloom link is to our giveaway so you can check out the winner announcement on the rafflecopter form for the giveaway that recently closed, and the second link will take you directly to In Bloom's site so you can purchase, and it is NOT an affiliate link.)

OK, I know what you are thinking, this is definitely NOT a Wordless Wednesday! :)

Happy Wordless Wednesday Butterflies!

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FTC Disclosure: Ascending Butterfly has been provided with passes to both events as a member of the digital press, no additional compensation has been received in exchange for this post.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Open Letter to New York Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, (and to New Yorkers) and . . .

Written January 5, 2012 based on the care journal of my personal experiences regarding my stay.

RE: An Open Letter to NY Columbia Presbyterian Hospital by Tracy Iglesias

A warning to fellow New Yorkers and the Battle of my life:

I try not to use to my blog ever for snark, or for arm pulling. But I do use my words carefully and very much honestly at all times.

While I don't expect a response to this open letter because these details make for a good lawsuit, I feel it's important for a teaching institution who has signs everywhere taking pride in being a top 10 care institution for the past 10 years to really know how they are doing from the perspective of someone who just went through the fight of her life in their care (and I use the word 'care' to apply to this institution very loosely.)

I was transferred to the NY Columbia Presbyterian Millstein Building Oncology Ward on 12/31/11 after having spent an entire night in the ER of the Allen Pavilion which is located further uptown. It was during imaging taken at the ER where a mass was discovered on my lung, Allen didn't have a bed for me, and so at the urging of a doctor I met while in the ER at Allen (who actually was phenomenal) and the urging of a nurse who was taking care of me (who was also phenomenal), a bed was found for me where I have spent the past week at 6 Hudson North of Columbia Presbyterian. If only a bed had been found at Allen instead. A mass that had been there since imaging taken in October that I was NEVER told about. Had I been told in October I would have started this battle WAY sooner.

I want to start with a bit of background on the type of person I am. I will avoid aspirin for a Migraine if I can and try and start with meditation first and see if that dulls it. While women are not usually that way, much like a man, I'm private, stoic and tend to not share my pain. The pain that led me to the ER on 12/30 had me curled up in a ball in my bed, literally writhing in agony. I've never in my life experienced a pain so intense and pray to never experience something like that again.

It was a super long night in the waiting area of the ER before I was even triaged which is surprising for me, because as an asthmatic I don't normally experience super long waits. When I did finally get in the ER, a battery of tests and imaging was taken. I knew by the look of surprise on the person's face who took the images that things were not good. An amazing doc broke the news about the mass, about what the possibilities of the mass could be, and that I was definitely staying, they just didn't know where at that point. A bed could not be found at Allen, which I honestly regret to this day. I wonder how much easier things might have been there.

After a bumpy ambulance ride to the Millstein Building at Columbia Presbyterian, I arrived exhausted, in intense pain and in desperate need of rest. Who knew it would be the first and only time I'd see my bed made.

In the morning an agonizing trip to the bathroom made me wonder if I was in a hospital room or a movie theater. The all too familiar to most New Yorkers feet sticking to the ground and squeaking sound greeted my feet. The bathroom was entirely like something from a cheesy motel from a horror movie. Filthy floor, a large piece of missing tile (that can't be sanitary), a gross mirror you can barely see yourself in, a broken paper towel holder with paper towels above the holder just floating loose, and the remnants of my 'roomie's' bedpan still stuck to the upper lid because the folks emptying it don't take the time to lift the lid (a daily occurence by the way). What a lovely day one.

My bed was never made, I was never offered a shower. My mother thought she'd give me a shower, but cut her fingers on the broken shower head.

After 5 days I put my foot down about new bedding, and someone finally arrived with this bedding and threw it on a chair and began to walk away. I asked her should I move to the chair so she could make the bed. She barely glanced back and said 'It's not my job to make your bed', 'contact your nurse'. After about another hour a harried and apparently put upon NA made my bed, huffing the whole time. I'd pay you to find me the infamous 'hospital corner' I've heard so much of. When asked about when beds get made I was told every other day. That did NOT happen. My bedding was only changed once (quite a nightmare since you wake up every single with night sweats from the pain meds), and that's because I literally put my foot down about it or it would have NEVER happned the entire visit. Even most dogs have neater beds.

While my room was not hospitable in any way for a human, it would have made a great spare freezer. I thought my body temperature may have been off because of my meds until every single visitor I have had would put their coat right back on including scarf. I asked a nurse about raising the room temperature and she said she couldn't adjust it (she did try) and would contact maintenance (it seems like there is a person for every single thing, but you never find out who that 'person' is.). Maintenance has still not adjusted the temperature and I've endured a room as cold or probably colder than the current temperature outside here in New York City.

I was supposed to have a 'Bronchoscopy' on Tuesday, so I was placed on an NPO order (nothing by mouth Monday after midnight). After a tense morning, I was never taken in, and of course had to miss meals just to find out they wouldn't have an OR for me until Wednesday. So again Tuesday night another NPO order after midnight, and because of the time the procedure was scheduled I missed pretty much a whole day of meals. But that would actually turn out to be the easy part.

The transport person to take me to the OR, didn't come in my room, didn't offer to transfer me to the stretcher or even help me walk to it. My family got me to the stretcher, and asked her for a sheet because I was freezing. She literally sucked her teeth and muttered about what a pain in the ass 'these' patients are and practically threw the sheet on me. Honestly despite my weakened state, the New Yorker in me and Bronxite that I am was rising to the surface. And oh does it get better. We get to a walkway with a steep downward incline, and she locks the wheels of the stretcher while at the begining of the downward part of that incline and walks away leaving me in a position that would block anyone trying to get by on both doors and it was freezing there, not to mention if a wheel had unlocked my stretcher would have went careening over like a top. I ask her where she is going, and this was her reply 'YOU are too heavy for me this thing is too heavy and I need a man to wheel this thing over the incline so just stay there and deal with it.' So after a long chit chat with this 'man' about their respective holiday weekends, he began pumping up the stretcher much like you jack a car tire. I firmly asked him to STOP, that he was causing tremendous pain in the area where the mass is located and I had it made to clear to avoid my left side, and asked that they avoid bumping the stretcher against walls. He looked right at me and replied 'I have to worry about MY health'. And I made him repeat it just to make sure I had heard right.

As they pulled me in to the endoscopy waiting area, I was wheeled into a twilight zone of people pale as a sheet, moaning, some louder than others, and had a feeling I was in for something....

I was told the lead doctor was a Dr. Bulman, he never arrived, which means my procedure was performed by an attending, I did NOT agree to that. But that's not the worst part, it is what happens next that gets interesting. This was going to be performed under what's called 'twilight' sleep. You are breathing on your own and not entirely put under. You are asked a series of questions to gauge your readiness for them to begin. I didn't miss a question. No answer was incoherent. I told the Doctor, I'm still too lucid, all of my answers are still making sense, I don't think you should begin.

I've seen those shows on TV, even movies where someone undergoing a surgery wakes up and sees, hears and worsely FEELS everything.  Count me among them.

I woke up with a start, my glasses had been removed so I couldn't see with focus, but saw the camera, felt what was happening, and coughed so hard I'm sure everyone's fear was I would cough up the camera.

Of course then they decide to overcompensate for the error and give me too much Twilight. When I wake up, not ONE person came and spoke to me and the nausea was so severe I literally felt like I was dying. Thankfully the exasperated rude woman who transported me there wasn't the one who transported me back, but that's still not saying anything. I was wheeled in front of my room and just left there moaning. I was in no condition to walk back to my bed and needed a transfer. My nurse and my mother (who has a bad back and now injured fingers thanks to the showerhead in the bathroom here) had to slide me from the stretcher to the bed. Hard on them and hard on me. And shouldn't have happened in a hospital that prides itself on the quality of the care they provide.

On Wednesday I missed an entire day of meals and when something finally did come, I couldn't tolerate it because of the meds. (I was given morphine to manage the pain post procedure). We asked for soft foods as the endoscopy still had my throat sore, and it wasn't until 1:30 in the morning that one cup of lemon ice and one cup of pudding arrived. You try being on enough meds to choke a horse for a week and skip an entire day of meals.......

My psycho, racist room-mate puts her TV on so loud you can hear it from the elevators and this is ALL day long, she does not put it off, and she never turns off her light. And pre surgery when a nurse was speaking with me, she literally told that nurse that because she has money, that whenever she needs something it will always get precedence over me and my needs. She also told someone she was speaking to on the phone that for a 'Hispanic Woman' I didn't seem to smell as bad as most of them normally do, WTF? Seriously? I know for a fact I wouldn't be allowed to get away with half of the non-sense this woman pulls.

But I will say that her theory about money and treatment is one that doesn't surprise me as I have experience working in a hospital myself, but seeing just how much the staff here agrees with it themselves and just how differently people are treated here is still a shocker in this day and age.

Apparently warm blankets are for the 9th floor, 'You know for the folks with MON....' and then a long pause which is what my mother was told when she asked for one for me since the heat was never fixed in my freezer, I mean room.

Sleeping in a bed I call a 'dogs nest' because it doesn't get made, no shower, not only because the shower in my room is broken and has not yet been repaired, but no one would do it for me even it was working. Thankfully I do have family and friends willing to if and WHEN the shower ever gets fixed (IF that happens before I get discharged remains to be seen). A procedure that wasn't even performed by the Doctor who I thought would do it, and then a team who was discussing the possibilities before they even had the dissection nevertheless the actual results from pathology has made for a surreal experience to say the least.

Even the seedy motel rooms you see in those 'b' horror movies have more potential than where I am staying. How are you supposed to take on the battle of your life in these conditions?

I am a woman of Faith and I am trying to walk in that Faith, speak in that Faith (despite such dire circumstances) and live in my Faith. It's been super difficult to keep my energy and spirits up here.

New Yorkers, if you ever find yourself in an ambulance (and I pray you do NOT) and you are coherent enough to hear you are being taken to Columbia Presbyterian, INSIST you be taken ANYWHERE else.

Aside from poor treatment and care, poor conditions of the rooms and staff that makes you feel you are putting upon them (despite the fact that in spite of my pain, not one person who dealt with me can say that they didn't get a please before I asked for anything and a Thank You after it arrived), this hospital has a caste system that is almost medieval. I am in the fight of my life right now and I haven't quite been given the tools to fight here.

They say that God helps to turn all bad around for our good, that there is a lesson in our trials, moments of sadness, moments of pain, I'm still trying to figure this one out, but I do thank all of my readers for their outpouring of prayer and concern for both my health and my wellbeing/spirits. It is because of you that I have had the courage to live out loud since 2009, to share my life and my feelings, my victories and my failures, each and every day and every day to day moment I have shared with you, and this is probably my most raw and open post to date. But please dear readers, avoid this hospital at all costs!

My aunt encouraged me to journal about my experiences and this post is shared from those journals. I am sure I won't get a response because they will be more concerned about a law suit than they ever were with my quality of care, but if they do respond (some pat answer sent by their PR folks after legal approves it) I will be sure to share it here. I'm sure we could both use the laugh.

If any Lawyer reads this and would like to contact me, please feel free, you can use the contact us page of this site to be in touch.


I've taken some photos which will be added to this post as soon as I'm back home, but I thought I'd share my day today, Friday, 01/06/12. Today I was scheduled for a Pet Scan, I was not told the scan was in another building and I'd be transferred to the procedure from the outside. Let's remember, what's compromised is my Lungs, and I was transferred externally in the cold with a robe, never told I'd need my coat, Does that make any sense? Now I have a dry cough that is exacerbating the pain I am already experiencing. Transport was given incorrect information so after my test I was left in a HALLWAY to wait almost one hour for transport to come return me to my room, again with an external building transfer in the winter for someone with a compromised lung....... I ran into my doctor in the hall on my way back and he asks me are you going to your scan or coming from it? He asked this as he turned away and kept walking, it even got the transport person angry, and she replied before I could, she said, 'how about if you ask a patient a question that you turn and at least acknowledge her response?' He tersely replied he would come see me when he had the results, it's 9:09 pm and that was 1:30 pm and he has still not arrived. And yet yesterday and today I was told if the bone scan went well, I would be going home.....Looks like that isn't going to happen. My prayers are for Saturday, but it's getting harder to hold out hope. And then the fun really begins once I have all the test results back and finally know what I'm up against!


Ascending Butterfly

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday - War Horse Screening Q & A with Actress Emma Watson {Photo + Video}

I have attended some great events this months, and slowly but surely I'm sneaking in event recaps during our annual holidays buying guide because I love to make you feel like you were there with me! I had the opportunity to attend a special screening of the movie War Horse thanks to Moms & The City, the Film Society of Lincoln Center and a live stream of a questions and answers session with Actress Emma Watson that was live streamed by the New York Daily News!

DreamWorks Pictures "War Horse" directed by Steven Spielberg is an epic adventure that tells the story of a very special friendship between a horse named Joey and a young man Albert who trains Joey, the adventure begins when they are forcefully parted due to The First World War. Joey changes and inspires the lives of all he meets including the British Cavalry, German Soldiers, and a French Farmer and his Grand-Daughter, meanwhile his friend Joey's life is forever changed in attempting to reunite with him. It's a heartfelt and touching tale of friendship, of the single thread that unites us all even under (or maybe especially under) dire circumstances, tenacity and friendship. I'd say the age range for young ones would entirely depend on your child's maturity level. There is some violence as this is a war epic after all!

As if Mimosas, warm popcorn, bagels and other assorted snacks weren't enough incentive, the screening was followed by a Question and Answer session with one of the films stars, Actress Emma Watson!

Here are my two best shots from the Q&A Session:

Emma Watson Center, holding microphone!

(Left) Raina Seitel, Moms & The City (Center) Actress Emma Watson (Right) Melissa Gerstein, Moms & The City

NY Daily News was live streaming the Q&A, and if you'd like to hear Emma's answers to moms questions, press on the video below (you might want to view this in full screen mode):

I would definitely recommend checking out War Horse the movie which will open on Christmas Day! Emma is incredibly down-to-earth, (a bit shy!), and super approachable, I enjoyed meeting her and greatly enjoyed the screening!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post, no monetary compensation has been received. I was invited to a special screening as a member of the digital press, I was fed and did receive a gift bag! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Little Wine and Beauty in New York City!

Alert to all my New York City Readers, there is tons of fun to be had in the City today, wanna learn how wine and beauty combine?

The Beauty

First: The Beauty. The Beauty Bus is back by popular demand! - Come see the Beauty Bus in Union Square! Union Square West between 15th street and 16th street on October 6th from 12pm – 6pm. Don’t miss the excitement! If you can't get there, you can watch the fun on livestream, how cool is that? The Beauty Bus, a glass truck outfitted with styling chairs, mirrors, and beauty product must-haves, will invite Manhattanites aboard to receive professional makeup applications, DIY beauty tips, and hairstyling consultations. Hair Room Service celebrity stylists and DailyCandy editors will be on-site sharing their favorite beauty tips and looks.

The Wine

Second: The Wine, Great Match 2011 - Once you get all dolled up, you'll invariably need somewhere to go to show off all your fierceness right? How about some wine?  How about the 18th Annual Great Match, featuring Spain’s Vivacious Varietals? Meet with Spanish winery representatives, wine importers and distributors at this must-attend trade-only tasting. Discover new wines while tasting your way through Spain, highlighting more than 150 wines from many of Spain’s denominations of origin.

Don't live in NYC? No problem! If you live in Seattle, this event will be coming to you on Thursday, October 13th, and if you live in Atlanta, Great Match is hitting your city on Tuesday, October 25th. See the Great Match 2011 website for more details!

Give Back

You know I love give back opps, and this event comes with a great one! You can spend money for a fun day and do something to help others at the same time, in my book it doesn't get much better than that! A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Food Bank for New York City, the city's major hunger-relief organization working to end food poverty throughout the five boroughs.

Tickets are $60 – advance purchase required. Click here to buy tickets. For additional information, please call 888-946-3919. American Express, Visa & MasterCard accepted. All attendees must be 21 or older. Photo ID required. All sales final.

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FTC Disclosure: I have access to both events as a member of the digital press. This is a non-sponsored post. No monetary compensation has been received to post about these events.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This is the FINAL Weekend! Go See: POMPEII THE EXHIBIT

Being born and raised in New York City can make you a bit of a museum snob, and I'll admit to not being very easily impressed. Most museums have had to up their game to compete for the attentions of busy New Yorkers in an economy still very much in flux. In the city of 'pop-up restaurants', there are even 'pop-up museums'.

When Bodies The Exhibition hit NYC I was eager to see it, and it lived up to my expectations and then some. (As many of you might remember, I was pre-med, an aspiring cardiologist, and the show is truly a must see for any aspiring Doctor), this year I am catching Pompeii The Exhibit, and I'm urging you to do the same!

About Pompeii The Exhibit: Life and Death in the Shadow of Vesuvius

Experience Pompeii before and after the epic eruption 2,000 years ago. Imagine the moment their world vanished and discover the miraculous artifacts unearthed since. Witness the life and death of those frozen in time by ash.

• Over 250 artifacts - includes some never-before-seen objects and the largest collection of body casts ever on display including a dramatic skeleton collection (OK so perhaps me being a horror movie buff helps here, but I never tire of skeletons, are you thinking Halloween right now? I am!I'm thinking this should have ran until Halloween!)

• Exhibit highlights include a collection of body casts (human impressions created from cavities found in the volcanic matter) and several hundred unearthed artifacts– all of which capture the essence of daily life in Pompeii, from gold coins, jewelry and home furniture to everyday utensils, burial urns and gladiator armor, as well as a perfectly preserved loaf of bread. In addition, the exhibit features Pompeian frescos that survived the epic explosion. (I'm a bit intrigued by this well preserved loaf of bread, bagels sometimes go moldy in my Fridge BEFORE their expiration date!)

• A brand-new, immersive movie experience depicting a timelapsed representation starting from the moment of Vesuvius' massive explosion

DiscoveryTimes Square (226 West 44th Street) is open seven days a week. Last tickets are sold 90 minutes prior to closing. For individual tickets and venue hours, visit, call 866.9.TSXNYC (212-987-9692) or visit the Discovery Times Square box office. Tickets are available for $19.50 (child 4-12), $26.00 (adult) and $23.50 (senior = 65). Special savings for groups of 15 or more with advanced reservations.

Extended Hours:

September 2nd - September 4th: 9 am – midnight
September 5th: 9 am – 8 pm


DiscoveryTimes Square (DTS) is New York City’s first large-scale exhibition center presenting visitors with limited-run, educational and immersive exhibit experiences while exploring the world’s defining cultures, art, history and events. More than a museum, DTS has featured a renowned line-up of exhibitions including Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition, Leonardo Da Vinci’sWorkshop and King Tut: Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs.


Running Subway Productions is a New York-based production company that conceptualizes, produces, markets and manages iconic entertainment properties. Founded in 2005, Running Subway has staged a multitude of theatrical shows and museum exhibits successfully combining traditional entertainment with innovative technology.

Have you seen this exhibit yet? If so, please share what impressed you most!

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FTC Disclosure Info: This is not a sponsored post. No monetary compensation has been received for sharing this information with my readers. I have been provided passes to see the exhibit.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Moment of Gratitude! + Winners!

This week, I am grateful for

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - For the Smooth Cruise! I got to see Najee in concert on a Smooth Jazz sail. The weather was awful, it was pouring and no one was able to sit out on deck. For last year's sail, I sat out on the deck the entire sail and I enjoyed that serenity. Great music, great view, great company. This year when I realized I couldn't sit out on the deck, I wasn't so happy at first. I arrived on the ship, looking like a drowned rat, because despite my umbrella, the winds were making it so that I arrived wet anyway. So there I was wet, uncomfortable and forced indoors. But it truly turned out to be a blessing in disguise! I met great people that I would never have met if I sat on deck, and had a wonderful time. In fact, the cruise didn't even feel like it was the full time, because the time went so fast talking to everyone at my table! Spoiler Alert: OK, so it wasn't a movie, so this technically isn't a spoiler, but there will be an encore sail in October, and I'd highly suggest you keep checking our Today's Butterfly, because there may something special coming up for BOTH of us! :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - The Help, that movie is a *MUST* see, as you can see Friday I gave you a teaser, and Tuesday I'll have a full review, but for a movie to make my Sunday gratitude list, you know it must be good!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - It was an incredibly busy week this week, between events and errands, I didn't feel like I had enough time to get everything done, but somehow I did. I'm filled with gratitude for my busy and productive week!

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What are you grateful for today? I'd love for you to write in and share what you are grateful for this week. The more you say it, the more you speak it, and the more you live in gratitude, the more you will find reasons to be grateful for, and the more reasons that the universe will send you to be grateful for. So join me on this journey of gratitude and inspiration. And you can post here daily (even though my list will be posted weekly).

Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.

It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me on Twitter here (@Tracy_Iglesias) Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter:

OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias This Week's 'Moment of Gratitude' and Great giveaways! -

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Active Giveaway!

1) Ends 08/08/11 - Jockey Staycool Collection Giveaway - 3 winners!  Enter HERE

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For those of you who are interested in keeping a gratitude journal this year, here is my recommendation and where to purchase it:

Make this Your Best Day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Eclairre
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Alicia E.

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FTC Disclosure: Journal Recommendation uses an Amazon Affiliate Link. We list winners by their ascending butterfly usernames instead of full names for privacy purposes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday! - Ascending Butterfly Tries Zumba for the First Time {pictures}


I was recently invited to try out Zumba Fitness for the first time at Exhale Spa in New York City by Degree Women. Yes that's right the folks behind Degree Deodorant are challenging us all to move! And as many of you already know I have already dropped 26 pounds so far this year making small Lifestyle Changes that have really added up. Last year I got to try Yoga for the first time, and this year I tried Zumba for the first time!

Exhale Spa

I thought the spa was beautiful, it's a large but warm and inviting space in Manhattan, New York City. I couldn't resist snapping this picture, I loved the quote on this t-shirt:

Just in case you can't read it very well from this photo, it reads: 'Disarm From Within' - Isn't that a great inspirational quote?

Degree and the Spa provided us with Breakfast as the class was held very held very early in the morning, check out the pretty and very zen spread:

A very zen and healthy spread was laid out for us!


After Breakfast, we had the chance to try out a Zumba session, and boy was it intense, super fun and got everyone sweating in no time! Below is a picture of instructor Samuel Salazar showing us all some moves! (You can practice with sam too, email him directly at

And below is another picture of the class in progress, I'm in this picture!

I may be a little hard to spot, you can press on the pictures to open them though, I'm in the very back left of the picture posted above this caption, I am in a Turquoise Top and Black Pants.

Degree Deodorant with motionSENSE Technology

For the past week since the event I've been testing out the new Degree® Women Deodorant with motionSENSE™ technology, the only anti-perspirant formula activated directly by movement, not moisture. And I have to tell you, it's what I'd call a 'Drugstore Gem'. There are some staples that you get at the Drugstore that you say to yourself 'oh well, I can just get the brand on sale' but there are other things, that regardless of the sale price you will not change your regular brand for. I've been a Secret Deodorant user for pretty much a lifetime and switched to their clinical strength when they first launched it. I honestly have never switched from Secret (except from their regular formulation to the clinical) and now that I've tested out Degree with motionSENSE, I'm hooked. I've made the switch. It's beyond effective! And I know it's totally geeky but I like that my new deodorant has a 'technology' behind it! I will tell you this Deodorant will take what you dish out, so hit it with your best shot, be as active as possible, I'm sure you will be as surprised as I was at how well this keeps you fresh and dry effectively all day!

MotionSENSE™ Technology – The More You Move, The More it Works

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  - While the average anti-perspirant/deodorant releases fragrance upon contact with sweat, Degree Women with motionSENSE™ is the only antiperspirant that starts working when women start to move, keeping women fresher for longer.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Degree Women Expert Protection with motionSENSE™ keeps women protected longer than the leading anti-perspirant

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Degree Women Clinical Protection® with motionSENSE™ provides prescription strength wetness protection without a prescription. Seven out of ten women say they would switch to Degree® Women Fresh Energy Clinical Protection from their current anti-perspirant (count me among those seven!)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Additionally, Degree Women Fine Fragrance® and Natureffects® anti-perspirants/deodorants feature motionSENSE™ technology

For more information, “Like” the Degree Women Facebook page and follow Degree Women on Twitter at @DegreeWomen.

Amazing GIVEAWAY Alert - Degree Women “Get into the Move” application on Facebook

Now you know I'm always on the lookout for the win/win, I like to be sure Ascending Butterfly Readers get something too, that's why I don't mind working so hard, this time even putting up a sweat to bring you back something great!

If you have seen the extra credits for our amazing Dads N Grads Month Buying Guide Giveaways, you may have noticed the Degree App extra credit entries I've offered. But you don't need to be entering our giveaways to benefit from this info and promotion!

Do you like gift cards, electronics, trips?

I kind of had a feeling you'd say that!

By registering for the Degree Women “Get into the Move” application on Facebook ( or on mobile devices (, fans can start earning motionMILES, 'virtual currency' redeemable towards chances to win thousands of prizes. These motionMILES are earned for various ways women move, including checking in with Facebook places and logging activities. Earning motionMILES is easy - eligible activities include going to the gym, taking Zumba® or yoga classes and various other activities women already do, like grocery shopping or catching the bus. Fans can also earn motionMILES by answering daily trivia questions on the Facebook application, inviting friends to “Get into the Move,” and even logging in daily. I have FIVE EXTRA MOTION MILES for YOU! Enter the Code GetMoving031 (that is the number zero, not the letter 'o') after you register where it says 'Enter Code', this code will get you Five Extra motionMILES that you can trade in for instant win prizes, weekly prizes or even the amazing Grand Prize Trip Prizes! (If you enter the code, I have a shot at a prize too!)

Once earned, fans can use motionMILES for a shot at winning instant prizes by spinning the prize wheel or by entering weekly and grand prize sweepstakes. Prizes include a surfing trip in Hawaii, designer shoes, gift certificates for Zumba classes and much more. Fans can also choose to donate motionMILES in a dollar amount to one of two charities: The Challenged Athletes Foundation and Girls in The Game.

“Women partake in infinite daily actions. In fact, the average woman moves 5,000 times a day,” explains Mike Dwyer, Director of Marketing for deodorants at Unilever. “With Degree’s new motionSENSE™ technology, the more you move, the more it works. We took that same idea and created a rewards program for our fans to get into the move and reward them with motionMILES - the more they earn, the more chances they have to win. What a way to put our product to the test!”

Dance for motionMILES with Zumba Fitness

To help women earn motionMILES, Degree Women has partnered with the largest dance-fitness company in the world, Zumba fitness. Coined the “fitness party,” the Zumba program blends contagious and easy-to-follow choreographies with upbeat international music, from the hottest award-winning producers, to provide an effective total-body workout. Fans can win Zumba fitness prizes through the “Get into the Move” application and earn motionMILES by taking Zumba classes at participating fitness clubs.

“To help women get in the move, we are breaking down signature Zumba moves that will be featured on the Degree Women Facebook page,” explains Beto, creator of the Zumba program. “You don’t have to be a dancer to master the moves, just be ready to get lost in the music and have your own exhilarating Zumba fitness party; it’s all about the fun!”

My first Zumba Class ever was super fun, and I can't wait to try it again, thanks Degree Women for giving me a great way to get moving and keep up the momentum, now I want the Zumba Fitness Game for Wii (so if the lovely folks at Majesco Entertainment want to send me this game to try out, I'd be totally open to it!)

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FTC Disclosure Info: NO monetary compensation was received, This is a NON-compensated post. I was invited to a Zumba Fitness Class, fed and given a gift bag with samples for my review consideration, I was under NO obligation to post. If my motionMILES code is used, I will gain additional entries into a giveaway for a chance to win a trip to Sedona, Arizona. Transparency is everything! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

I toured the Madame Alexander Doll Factory and you can too!

Wizard of Oz Magic Bubble Glinda The Good Witch 10-inch Collectible Doll, Notice the Sweet Butterfly?
As you know it's Dads N Grads month at Ascending Butterfly, our annual feature that explores all the ways to put a smile on the face of your Dad or special Grad! How are you rewarding your special girl graduate this year? Do you want to host the perfect graduation or birthday party with the least amount of muss and fuss?

I was lucky enough to have a Grandmother who was a Madame Alexander Doll lover, I loved visiting with her and sharing in her love of the 'ahead of their times' Dolls that always reflect popular fashion and culture, in fact the dolls have always been a bit 'fashion forward'.

My Grandmother used to also make Wedding Dolls as a side business (my Grandmother was a Nurse by profession, an Avon Lady and an all around entrepreneur!) and she only used Madame Alexander Dolls for her Wedding Dolls! I wonder if any of her handiwork is still out there?

Last month I had the chance to live my Grandma's dream and tour the Madame Alexander Doll Factory located in Harlem in  New York City! I truly wish she was still alive and was able to join me, but I know she was there in spirit because while walking toward the doll factory I spotted a butterfly! I always feel they are her way of saying hi and that she is with me in spirit.

Toy Soldier 1933 by Vincente Minnelli from The Radio City Rockettes® Collection - Wendy 8 inch doll, If you look in the mirror, you'll see Ascending Butterfly snapping this pic!

Beatrice Alexander aka 'Madame Alexander' was born in Brooklyn, New York on March 9, 1895, and was raised over her father's doll hospital - the first in America - and often played with the dolls waiting to be mended. Her belief in the American dream, combined with her love of dolls and their costumes, led her to start her own doll company when she was 28 years old. Within a few years she had moved her business from the kitchen table to a downtown New York City studio, later relocating to its present day headquarters in the Manhattanville section of Harlem. Her award-winning dolls dolls with the 'sleep eyes' continue to delight generations of children and collectors all over the world, myself included! Madame Alexander reminds me of my Grandmother, passionate, entrepreneurial, independent and WAY ahead of her time!

The Factory Tour

One of the highlights of Visiting the Factory was meeting their repair guru who actually had the opportunity to work with Madame Alexander (employees stay with the company for a very long time!) and we were given the opportunity to pick her brain about her experiences with the 'Doll Hospital'. I asked her if there was ever any Doll that came to her that was literally beyond repair, and she said in all her years there was only ONE! That's amazing, and speaks to the incredible craftsmanship and love that goes into making each and every doll!

It was also amazing to see all the fabrics at their disposal in house! It would be my dream to design a special butterfly doll! Although I had a ton of fun butterfly doll sightings! I spotted Glinda first who has a butterfly on her dress, I spotted the Rockettes (which being a New Yorker I totally Geeked out about!) and then I spotted Fancy Nancy's friend Bree, who also has a cute butterfly on her dress!

Fancy Nancy™'s Best Friend "Bree"

The Making Of A New Best Friend AKA My 'Mini Me'

Check out my new Best Friend, aka 'Mini Me'

We had the chance to custom design a new best friend, a 'Mini Me' of sorts, we got to pick skin tone, clothes, hair and accesories for our dolls, which was super FUN! I have to admit my 'Mini Me' looks a lot like me, long dark hair, boots, down to her sunglasses, I wear sunglasses all the time while I'm out! Isn't my mini me styling? Im going to find a cute butterfly to put on her jacket or maybe I'll embellish her jeans!

Heritage Gallery and Behind the Scenes Tours

We were also taken on a tour of the Heritage Gallery but were asked specifically not to take pictures there as the dolls in the factory are donated by collectors. It's a treasure trove of American History and I honestly would have loved more time there and would like to go back!

You can take the tour too! Behind the Scenes Tours are available by appointment only. These tours are $8/person for adults, $4/person for children and $5/person for senior citizens.A Behind the Scenes Tour includes (1) the Regular Tour, (2) visits to Design, Sewing and Production, (3) a trip to The Doll Hospital.

Group Tours

Group tours (10 or more guests) must be booked in advance. For groups larger than 20, two guides may be needed. As such, larger groups may be split up to make touring easier. Please inquire for tour fee.


On-site workshops are special hands-on experiences, and participants will have a memento that will be treasured for years. Madame Alexander currently offers the following:

Hat and Shoe Workshop: Create your very own stylish doll-size hat and shoes using trims and glue. $10/person.

Create-a-Doll Workshop: Personalize your own Madame Alexander Play Doll by choosing body and eye color, hairstyle and color, and a fashionable outfit.
  • 8-inch Doll - $38/person
  • 18-inch Play Doll - $45/person.
  • Extra Outfits - $10/each.
For more information or to arrange a behind-the-scene tour, please contact the Madame Alexander Heritage Gallery® at 212-283-5900 ext. 7299


Bloggers Luncheon at Madame Alexander Doll Factory, I found another doll with butterflies in her dress!

I had the chance to attend a luncheon with fellow bloggers and their super cute little ones, it gave us the chance to experience Madame Alexander's special party room where special events and birthday parties can be customized to create a very special experience for your birthday girl or graduate. Most of us were in agreement that a grown up tea party, birthday party or 'Diva Day' would be just as fun! The possibilities are literally limitless! If you are getting married it would be a fun place to have a girls day with your bridal party! (You can have a manicurist come in and do manicures and arrange for a customized cake too!)

Blogger in A Box!

I couldn't resist this fun photo opp on the way out, you are meant to get inside the box and take a 'living doll' picture, but me being the unique butterfly that I am, I decided to 'step out the box' get it? Don't I make a super cute living doll?

While I didn't have time to get up there and take my pic on the big chair, this reminded me of the Saturday Night Character "Roseanne Roseannadanna" one of several recurring characters created by Gilda Radner!

I had a great experience during my Madame Alexander Factory Tour, Heritage Museum Tour, Doll Making Opp, and special luncheon, and I would highly recommend them for any special event, graduation party, or birthday party for any kid, kid at heart or doll lover!

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FTC Disclosure Info: I received a complimentary tour, lunch, and products for consideration. I was not compensated for this post. All opinions and recommendations expressed are my own, this is a NON-sponsored post.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Lil Drummer Girl

Make Up For Ever MakeUp Artist Prepping a Model for Living Marionette Show, New York Groove Event, NY MakeUp Show

Read Full New York Makeup Show Recap HERE

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Vote For Ascending Butterfly: Please vote for me, Tracy, I am wearing a red jacket -

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The MakeUp Show Says GoodBye To New York And Hello To Chicago!

It's Yours Truly, Ascending Butterfly at the 2011 New York MakeUp Show

Last year and this year I had the pleasure of attending  The New York MakeUp Show. The Show which says Goodbye To New York, is headed to Chicago, and it's a must event for all fellow MakeUp Mavens! So if you are in or near Chi-Town, be sure to catch The MakeUp Show Chicago, running Sunday, June 12 - Monday June 13, 2011.

The Makeup Show will bring together your top brands and inspirational artists and educators for two amazing days of community, career and craft building. Learn about the newest lines and product launches. Explore makeup workshops and discover school programs. Network with your peers. Develop new relationships and ignite your passion with the Windy City.

While I have only attended the show for the past two years, this year marked The MakeUp Show's Sixth Consecutive Year in NYC!  Some of the brands in attendance included Make Up For Ever (check out the neat picture I included of them in action at the preview event), Stila, Face Atelier, Smashbox (We have had the pleasure of working with Smashbox often for reviews and giveaways since 2009, and it's always great to see them at the show! And re-stock on my faves like their Primer!), Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, Inglot, Iredale Minerals, Kevyn Aucoin, Yves Saint Laurent, Becca Cosmetics (We have also worked with Becca on a review and giveaway here on Ascending Butterfly, I can't say enough about them or their creative packaging) and this year was Nars debut at the show!

Make Up For Ever MakeUp Artist Prepping a Model for Living Marionette Show, New York Groove Event, NY MakeUp Show

I attended the Blogger Preview this year (I can't tell you what was in the Goodie Bags this year, as I didn't receive one, and unfortunately was told it was because fellow Bloggers took multiple bags, leaving some of us with none), however the highlight of the show was the New York Groove Evening Reception - A Gallery of Makeup Art, Fashion and Cocktails! (Need I say more?)

Attendees (including yours truly) had the opportunity to watch the most creative makeup artists in the industry at work, and there was even a living Marionette show!

And all that was just the preview before the actual show! The show offers various workshops, exhibitors, demos, opps to be made over yourself (try to arrive early, you will  more than likely be given a time to go back to the booth. My favorite all time ever Make Over was at Jane Iredale's Booth at The NY MakeUp Show!) and some exhibitors do offer samples. The show also offers exclusive buying opportunties (just remember as tempting as it may be, ask before you grab, some booths are selling, others are not), so you can sample that hot new gloss, or color, and if you discover later it wasn't right for you, at least you nabbed it at a discount!

One of the things I love most about events, are meeting fellow NYC based bloggers in person and finally putting faces to the names! Here is a picture of me (middle) and the bloggers extraordinaire behind Lipstick and Luxury (right) and Definition Royale (left)!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a compensated post, this is a non-sponsored post. I attended the MakeUp Show as a member of the online press, and I was not asked to post a recap, I am posting one because I am a makeup lover and enjoyed the event!