Showing posts with label Primaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Primaries. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

{JUNE 23} New York state primary elections are TODAY! Please don't forget to ROCK THE VOTE!

This is just a reminder for my fellow New York City/State Butterflies, that today, Tuesday, June 23, 2020 is our primary elections.

If you haven't already placed your votes by absentee ballot, then be sure to hit the polls today and cast your vote!

For all those who are Tik Tok inclined, the only challenges I want to see today are the Rock the Vote challenges, make up a 'going to the polls dance', put on your mask and gloves and get out there!

If you could endanger your lives and everyone else's to hit the beach or eat at a restaurant, then you can do it to vote today!


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