Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Monday, September 28, 2015

{#MotivationMonday} The #SuperBloodMoon shines brightly across the world, what does that mean for YOU?

Super Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Harvest Moon and Motivation Monday:

Last night the Twitterverse was following @SuperBloodMoon (this twitter handle outlining the events of September 27th with the support of NASA) and it's corresponding hashtag #SuperBloodMoon with baited breath. Folks either had their heads out their windows or hopped in their cars and tried to find the Super Blood Moon to take photos. NASA was live streaming it!

I was also following this fun Huffington Post article which I shared on Ascending Butterfly's Facebook Page as well as my personal one with this wish:

Ascending Butterfly Facebook Fan Page Post About The Super Blood Moon, #SuperBloodMoon
These ‪#‎SuperBloodMoon‬ photos are awesome! ‪#‎LunarEclipse‬ ‪#‎FullMoon‬‪ #‎HarvestMoon‬ - Make a moon wish tonight butterflies, and let the Universe Whisper an answer in your dreams

The photos on social, and shared in this Huff Po article (they were live streaming NASA's video feed most of the night) are absolutely stunning, but after the rush of the photos died down, there was a collective question, what does this mean?

I'm certainly not an astrologer, but I have followed it for years (and I do mean a bit more than passively reading my daily horoscope), and there is a collective theme that I felt was fodder for a Motivation Monday.

This is not only a 'Blood Moon' butterflies, but also a 'Harvest Moon' - now what we harvest in life all depends on our individual Karma, but the doom and gloom associated with a Blood Moon is sort of leveled by the fact it is also a Harvest Moon, if you have been planting positive seeds and working ethically, diligently and with persistence, how beautiful it is to expect to reap what you have sown.

This is also a Lunar Eclipse - yes Eclipses do signify things 'coming to an end' in some way, but remember that doesn't have to be 'bad'. Blood is sometimes associated with atonement - forgiveness or a clean slate, releasing of old Karma and attachments can all be things coming to an end - which is NOT necessarily bad.

For many of us 'endings' and a 'new start' is exactly what we need right now.

One of the most amazing things I read about this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Super Blood/Harvest Moon was this:

What really needs to happen is we need to stop with our differences, accusations, judgments of one another and start thinking more about the effects we are having on our own lives and the lives of others that know us and the world we live in and our contribution. Life is short, what do you want to be remembered for?

We should focus on becoming better people so that the future of our world as we know it can have a real chance to live in peace and harmony with one another, the human family. 

Until each of us focus on becoming the best version of ourselves as an individual and each of us does so,  and to realize we are all human and one brotherhood that needs to work together, respect one another and love one another, then the change we want to see may never come. ~ILLUME ASTROLOGY
Another worthy read in it's entirety and it's beautiful accompanying photo is from Moonology:

How the Super Blood Moon affects Aries and Libra

I would have to quote their whole page it is so well written, but I found it interesting that if you are an Aries or Libra (or for those who know their natal charts well those with Aries or Libra Rising), this is going to be a potentially STAND OUT time for you, she wrote "You're being singled out by the Universe as among the people most likely to take some kind of quantum leap into the future" - if you guessed I'm an Aries, you would be correct. (Additional Note for Aries: You have Mars (your ruling planet) on your side for the next seven weeks until November 12, to help you improve your eating habits or update your excercise schedule - make good use of it!)

For my fellow numerology lovers the eclipse was a 1 hour and 11 minute occurence! (For me the number 222 tends to follow me daily - I tend to look at the clock at that hour, see buses or subway cars with that number etc).


I have been feeling impending change for a long time now. My soul/spirit is pretty much YELLING at me to try something new, to make needed changes and release not only old habits, but to also find fulfillment - spiritually, emotionally as well as professionally in brand new ways.

I also find it interesting that my name 'Tracy' means 'the Harvester' and this is a Harvest Moon. I personally looking forward to Karmic Rewards for having planted positive seeds and I wish the very same for ALL of my butterflies as well!

This is a rare occurrence, one that won't cycle around again for another 18 years.  Use this rare energy, let it be a spark that propels your life positively forward.

As for the phrase 'Blood Moon' Jonathan Cainer described it best by saying:

There is nothing sinister in this phrase, it merely suggests a time for outgrowing a fear.

Call to Action/Readers Sound Off:

Did you see the Blood Moon? Were you able to capture a photo of it? What are you hoping to change, release or embrace for this last half of the year?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post. All opinions are 100% MY OWN. this post is NOT compensated. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255 - Guides Concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, you may check our Giveaway and Disclosure Page for additional information regarding Ascending Butterfly Disclosure.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Inspiration: Destiny!

As our 'Surprise-A-Day' Giveaway Countdown to Christmas has taken over, and has not allowed us to post as many inspirations as we would like, especially at this time of year, I thought I'd take this Wordless Wednesday to inspire and begin the process of thinking about the New Year that is very swiftly approaching. Soon we will all have a 'date with destiny' that's how I like to think of New Year's Eve, it's a precipice of sorts, it's filled with so much potential, possibility and hope, how will you shape your destiny in this coming new year?

Here is a poem to get you thinking:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

- Anonymous

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