Remember The Fallen
Where were you on 9/11? I was working in a Hospital in New York City. A Hospital that received casualties. I lost friends at The World Trade Center. I had received a job offer from a firm located in The World Trade Center years before that day, an offer that I had turned down. Had I not turned that offer down, there may not have been an Ascending Butterfly. This is a very somber day for me and for the nation.
This is probably the latest an inspiration has ever gone up, but somehow, the girl who makes a living with words, just didn't know where to begin. Didn't know what to say.
Loss is never easy to bear. But there is one thing of beauty to be remembered . . . The way the nation pulled together. People rallied around one another in a very strong way that day. New York City has always received a very bad rap about not being a friendly city, and many tourists who were visiting here that day had to dispel those rumors, this city showed it's heart that day.
I want to use Today's Words of Inspiration as not only a source of healing, but as a sounding board. Anyone who wants to share their memories of that day can feel free to do so. For those who lost friends or family, my heart is truly with you today!
Use 'Today's Words of Inspiration' as a breathing meditation to still your mind, quiet your thoughts and bring in positive energy. As you inhale bring in only positive energy by saying in your mind, I breathe in positive energy (or you can say creative energy if that is what you wish to create more of) and as you exhale, Affirm out loud today 'I give and receive healing energy today.'
Spend some time each day enjoying focused breathing AND soul guided meditative visualization, in doing so, you can bring about amazing, profound and powerful changes in your life.
Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by universal forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Do this at least twice today and see how by taking a moment away from the hectic pace and breathing in positive energy and affirming what you wish to create, your thinking will become different.
Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.
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Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
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