Thursday, November 12, 2009

Piece of the Puzzle Affirmative Jewelry Review and Giveaway! - Holiday Buying Guide Pick

This giveaway is now CLOSED. Many thanks to our wonderful sponsor The Good Cheer Company! We would love to work with you again! Congratulations to 'johnica1' (we post our winner usernames instead of full names, this is why it's in quotes) the winner of Ascending Butterfly's Piece of the Puzzle Affirmative Jewelry Giveaway! Remember: There are still some great giveaways active on the upper right hand side of the page!


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Have you found your piece of the puzzle yet?  
I sure have!

Earlier this summer I entered a giveaway at Coupon Queens of Laurel Run, (now known as a shoppers quest) and I was fortunate enough to win, shortly after winning I also saw this product featured on the Ellen DeGeneres talk show and I was on pins and needles until it arrived.

I wore it daily and have to share that it truly transformed my day everytime I wore it, I find myself reaching for it often. I truly believe words have power, and I chose my pieces based on what I really wanted/needed to manifest in my life at that time. I chose the affirmations 'Blessed' and 'Abundance' (the opposite side of your affirmation will be inscribed 'I Am'). Wearing I am Blessed Abundance daily has been amazing. I have made it a point to wear it when I'm working on a deal and it has become a 'lucky charm' of sorts. I also know when a jewelry item, particularly around my neck has a found it's home when I constantly find myself touching it! (Do you do that too??)

There was a chain of coincidences starting with my win that led me to Ron the owner of 'The Good Cheer Company', could the name possibly be more perfect for a collaboration with Ascending Butterfly? Our mission statement is to seek out and share the best sources of inspiration both on and offline, and I have to say The Good Cheer Company's Piece of the Puzzle Affirmative Jewelry is perfectly in line with our mission statement!

There are 41 Puzzle-Shaped Pewter Tokens to choose from! They are great gifts to remind someone special in your life who they really are, what they mean to you and to help inspire and motivate them to be the best they can be in so many different areas of life. You can also empower and show some love to your beloved pets by purchasing 'The Pet Affirmation Tag' - these can all easily be attached to your dog or cat's collar. Or your pet lizard or snake, if you put collars on them! These are perfect family stocking stuffers!

The only thing missing on their site are the following affirmations 'Ascending' and 'Butterfly' of course! (Hey Ron if you use those, I get a percentage of the sales and the first ones are Mine, Mine, Mine!!!)

These are amazing gifts for family, friends, colleagues, how many of you are part of a secret santa this year at work? It is difficult to find gifts that are reasonably priced (and most of the time secret santa restricts you and gives you a very difficult spending cap to work with), deceptively simple and powerfully meaningful, but with Piece of the Puzzle you get all of the above!

Piece of the Puzzle is our first Holiday Buying Guide Editor's Pick! It meets the criteria of all savvy holiday buyers this season - great price point, the total opposite of a generic gift, amazingly meaningful, and just plain FUN! For these reasons, this is where our holiday buying guide begins. We will be introducing our holiday buying guide editors picks up until and right through New Years Eve! Check back daily to be sure you don't miss a thing!!

WIN IT! - Thanks to our friends at The Good Cheer Company one Ascending Butterfly will have the chance to win an affirmation of their choice on an 18" Leather Necklace with Sterling Silver Hook! (Remember guys are never excluded from our giveaways, and this one being on a leather cord might mean you may want to keep this one for yourself and we couldn't blame you one bit!)

How to Win: (1) You must be a follower of Ascending Butterfly to be eligible for this and all giveaways. Indicate in your entry that you follow (if your 'comment name/user id' differ from your profile id, please let me know what name you follow under) and (2) Visit The Good Cheer Company and pick your favorite affirmation HERE this will be the piece you receive if you win! (3) You must also leave your email address somewhere in your comment. (You can format it this way for security, example: ascendingbutterfly AT mail host DOT com). If and ONLY if your profile has an email address, you can simply state this in your entry instead. Just remember do this only if your email address is readily accessible on your profile. Please follow the easy 1, 2, 3 steps to winning! Restrictions: USA, 18+

Please follow directions or you will be disqualified! All comments are moderated, they may not appear on the site right away (comments like "I want this or I want to win" will not be entered). You have from Thursday, November 12, 2009 until Monday, November 23, 2009 at 11:59 PM (EST) to comment and be entered for a chance to win. Winner will be announced shortly after Wednesday, November 25th!


* Blog about this giveaway, linking to this giveaway post. Leave the URL in a comment
* Put our button on your blog and send us the link to the page where we can see it.
* Follow me @Tracy_Iglesias on Twitter (this is ascending butterfly’s editor) and give me your twitter ID in a comment
* Tweet about this giveaway and leave the URL in a comment. (you can do this DAILY)
* Digg about this giveaway and leave your digg username in your comment
* Fave this blog on Technorati and leave your Technorati user name in your comment
* Vote for Ascending Butterfly on: Fuel My Blog
*NEW: Join Ascending Butterfly's Ning Group HERE

* Please vote for Ascending Butterfly on Divine Caroline's Love This Site Award '09 for the Body and Soul category, you can press into the badge on the upper right hand site of the page or click through here, there is a Vote button right under the description. It's a one time only, super fast, super easy vote! (If you have already voted, since it is only a one time vote, tweet the link and give us the URL for an extra entry! :)

* NEW: Please vote for me on the Downy Simple Pleasures Next Scent Contest. My scent is called 'Ascending Butterfly' of course, LOL. You can scroll down to the bottom of this page, and press 'Vote' on the widget below, it's super fast and super easy! (You can do this daily and get credit for voting daily, remember to leave a comment letting us know!)

NOTE: Readers have asked us to make entering the contests and giveaways, faster and easier. Your wish is our command! We have moved our 'Today's Butterfly - Featured Site(s) of the day, which is where we host our giveaways, to the upper right hand side of the page. It will be located here from now on to make entering the giveaways faster and easier. Keep the suggestions coming, remember we also have a NING group with real time chat, you can give us your comments and suggestions in REAL time, how cool is that?

NOTE 2: Twitter followers: please remember you must also follow Ascending Butterfly using Google friends connect on the upper right hand side of the page for your entries to be processed. And remember if your profile does not have an email and you don't leave your email in your entry, we will have no way of informing you if you win, and will have to select another winner. Make sure your entry and your profile have your email address!

Just a helpful Reminder: How to Follow Using Google Friends Connect:

Please look to the upper right hand side, where the follower pictures are. (Note the number of followers before you start this process)

1) press the follow button - the google pop up wizard will open, this is not an ad and your pop up blocker will not block it

2) tick the option that reads 'follow this blog publicly' once that button is selected, hit follow again - it should now read 'you are now following'

3) if the follower count went up you know you did it succesfully, if your profile has a picture, that picture will be the first one on the left side. If your profile doesn't have one, it should still be searchable on the members list. (Remember, following a blog, does NOT subscribe you to receive emails, you have to subscribe separately to do that, you will not receive emails for following)



  1. I would love to win "Unique". I am now a follower Tracy (I can see my pic!).

  2. I am a follower (username Auriette). I love several of the affirmations, but my very favorite is I AM / IMAGINATION. auriette at tmlindsey dot com.

  3. I am a follower. My username is johnica1 and my favorite affirmation is I Am Abundance.

  4. I am a follower. My username is kimberlynelson79. My fave affirmation is I AM/Blessed. My email is Thanks!!!

  5. I am a follower, follower name 'cookie'
    My favorite Affirmation is Abundance
    thecooker47 (AT) gmail

  6. I like I AM/ PEACE (My e-mail address is in my profile)

  7. I'm following you on Twitter. My twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy (My e-mail address is in my profile)

  8. im a follower @hppv50
    my favorite is I AM/ LOVED

  9. im following on twitter @hppv50

  10. I'm a google follower and I would choose "wisdom." This is great!

  11. I like the I AM IMAGINATION. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Twitter follower.

  13. I follow on Google Friend connect.
    I would select I AM/ BLESSED


  14. I follow your blog and I AM "VALUABLE"

  15. I follow you on twitter @robynhunt

  16. I tweeted this giveaway

  17. Tweeted. (amt946)

  18. I just signed up to be a follower and I would love to have the I AM COURAGEOUS. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

  19. I'd love the I AM/LOVED puzzle piece. Everyone needs a little reminder from time to time! :)

  20. I'm a subscriber.

    I love I am BLESSED.

  21. My favorite is the I AM/ FEARLESS necklace, thanks!

  22. I voted on Divine Caroline

  23. I voted for you in the Downy contest.

  24. My favorite is I am/ unstoppable. It would help me get through the day and achieve my dreams.

  25. Following you on Twitter. Somedaynewyorkr.

  26. * follower
    * really like I am Worthy

  27. Follow chazvgo
    I like the Loved

  28. I am a follower. I would like I am Worthy. Thank you


  29. I like the WITHOUT ME/


  30. I follow as kngmckellar and like this: I Am Peace -






  33. I am True is my favorite.

  34. I AM / GOD IS

    we are following as phyloyd

    flyd60 AT go DOT com

  35. Voted for Ascending Butterfly PASSION in the Downy Scent Contest
    flyd60 AT go DOT com
