Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year Butterfly!

My Dearest Butterflies,

While Ascending Butterfly is spending her holiday weekend in the Hospital, I certainly hope you all have way more exciting plans than mine.

I loved this picture the moment I layed eyes on it, while the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012, many astrologers take this to mean the end of an era of thinking, not the end of man.

While being in a hospital bed sending out my last butterfly update for 2011 was not exactly what I had planned, I am very much excited to see 2011 come to an end and ring in 2012 with an open heart and mind.

Despite my current circumstances, my spirit is very much filled with hope for what 2012 will bring and I hope yours is too!

Be safe. Don't drive under the influence or ride with anyone under the influence. Wishing each and every single one of you a very happy, healthy and safe New Year. May 2012 be your most fulfilling and empowering year yet!


Ascending Butterfly


  1. Sorry to hear you are not well. You have a nice disposition and seem to be taking it well. I hope you stay brings you renewed health for the New Year! Get well soon.

  2. Praying that you feel better soon. Happy New Year to you and yours also. May you have a safe, happy, prosperous, and healthy New Year.

  3. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way. {Hugs}

  4. @Dora - A very healthy and happy New Year to you too!

    @Nancy - Thank You! I'm approaching this New Year with an open heart and open mind, there are many blessings ahead!

    @Kimberly - Thank You, wishing you and your family the very same!

    @Patty - Thank You. And my thoughts are with your family as well, I hope your dad is feeling better, and I'm sending {Hugs} your way as well.

