This is my maternal Great-Grandmother. She is part of the reason I started Ascending Butterfly. When she moved here she greatly missed home and she planted a small flower box garden on her windowsill. She had the most amazing green thumb and her flowers would attract butterflies. My love of butterflies started with her. And to this day a butterfly crossing my path is usually one of three things, someone I love saying hello from beyond, a stroke of good luck or a major change (which makes sense as butterflies are the symbols of transformation).
I love Throwback Thursday almost as much as I love Wordless Wednesday! I love checking out everyone's photos, so if you are playing along today for Throwback Thursday I'd love to see your pictures too, leave a comment below with your link and I'll hop over and say Hi! (Please remember we do moderate comments, no giveaway links for Wordless Wednesday or Throwback Thursday Please!)
FTC: This is NOT a Sponsored Post! But should a camera company ever wish to upgrade me so I can take even better photos who am I to say no? ;-)