We have had various discussions about butterflies, what they mean to me, and what they represent for many of you as well. Last night a very interesting post came my way via facebook from our friends at One Meaning (Thanks Ingrid! 813!) and it was just too interesting not to share!
"It would have to be a very hardened heart not to be moved in some way by this compelling video." ~ Ascending Butterfly
Many people feel they are signs from loved ones who crossed over who are letting you know they are watching over you.
I thought in honor of this story we would make Today's Words of Inspiration about Symbols. For some it's a repeating number they see everywhere, for others butterflies or dragonflies. Sometimes people ignore their gut, or they ignore symbols that were sent to them.
Spend some time each day enjoying focused breathing AND soul guided meditative visualization, in doing so, you can bring about profound and powerful changes in your life.
Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by universal forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Do this at least twice today and see how by taking a moment away from the hectic pace and breathing in positive energy and affirming what you wish to create, your thinking will become different.
@Tracy_Iglesias #ascendingbutterfly - Today's Words of #Inspiration and Great #Giveaways! - http://tiny.cc/n4Thx
Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed
Active Giveaways: Hurry Enter NOW!
2) Ends Monday, 10/18 @ 3pm EST - Pillsbury Sweet Moments Desserts and Prize Pack Giveaway! Enter HERE
I challenge you today to look carefully for your own butterfly, your own symbol, your sign that transformation will soon come! What shape will it take? ~ Ascending Butterfly