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This giveaway is now CLOSED. Thanks so much to our wonderful sponsor Satya Jewelry! We look forward to working with you again! The winner is singermagic1. Remember: There are great giveaways active on the upper right hand side of the page! Watch for the next bag in the ‘Spring Into Bags’ series to launch SOON.
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Ascending Butterfly Editor Pick Sponsored By:
The demand for our Mother's Day Buying Guide exceeded what one person could possibly post, so I want to open by expressing my gratitude to Satya Jewelry for their patience! I have been on Satya Jewelry's mailing list for quite awhile now, and admired their pieces from afar for sometime.
As you may know by now, I have a strong affinity for shopping with a purpose and prefer to give my time and hard earned dollars to a company who cares. To a company that gives back, and Satya Jewelry fits the bill perfectly!
Beautiful, Abundant, Graceful Yoga-Inspired Jewelry is what Satya is known for. I could probably spend an entire day highlighting their vast collection of treasures, but we all know I must begin with the Butterflies!

Co-designed by husband and wife partners Courteney Cox and David Arquette along with Satya Jewelry, the butterfly is the symbol of hope and freedom. This bracelet was created to benefit the EB Medical Research Foundation, a charity that is close to both of their hearts. EB is a rare skin disease affecting someone near and dear to both David & Courteney.
“We are committed to raising awareness and money to help find a cure for EB so these wonderful children can live a healthy and normal life.” The Satya Foundation donates 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this necklace to the Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical Research Foundation, aiming to find a cure for a rare childhood skin disease. For More information please visit
http://www.ebkids.org/ (There is a butterfly in their logo!)

There is another piece I want to bring to your attention,
The Satya Jewelry Hope, Love, and Healing Necklace was designed with to raise money for the children and families of Haiti. With the help of Patricia Arquette, GiveLove and you, we can all be a part of the healing.
“The Hope, Love & Healing necklace is the perfect embodiment of what we are trying to bring to Haiti through safe and sustainable housing, sanitation solutions, and water filtration devices.”
-Patricia Arquette
The Satya Foundation donates 100% of the proceeds from this necklace to GiveLove. Please help them reach their goal to donate $10,000 each month. Together we can help rebuild Haiti. Satya Jewelry and Patricia Arquette are excited to offer this sterling silver necklace, an $88 value, for only $38. Find out more at
While you all know I absolutely adore butterflies, there is a lot more to me! But alas many companies want to sadly put me in a butterfly box and not allow me to 'stretch my wings' no pun intended. Really, no pun intended! LOL
I am very grateful to Satya Jewelry for NOT putting me in the butterfly only box and allowing me to select a piece that truly spoke to ME. I have always wanted but have never owned a Hamsa. Hamsa, (the open hand symbol) is a sacred gesture symbolizing receipt of blessings from the universe. I have oddly enough always been attracted to them, but somehow never acquired one.
I am very much a Turquoise person and while I probably could have spent an eternity browsing (or what I call virtual window shopping); I found a piece that truly spoke to me very quickly, the turquoise hamsa pendant necklace from Satya Jewelry!
A piece for protection and health. Long known for its healing and spiritual qualities, turquoise uplifts, heals and cleanses the spiritual energy center and the physical body. The protector against negative energies, Hamsa, is a sacred gesture symbolizing receipt of blessings from the universe.
I have studied the benefits of crystals and their healing effects for many years now. And I find it interesting that Native Americans consider turquoise to be sacred and scatter chips or the powdered stone during special prayers and about their shrines.
Navajo Turquoise
The ones with the black lines in them are called Navajo turquoise and helps you to stay in a place of love and connectedness with others. By doing this it can make you feel at "home" no matter where you are. It is a combination of turquoise and sard (sard being the lines). turquoise by itself keeps one in the feeling of unconditional love and connection to all that is while sard by itself keeps one in the state of emotional attachments to family, home, their roots (the good memories of childhood) it also assists in digestion of proteins both animal and vegetable.
Draws out Negativity
One of the main compounds of the Turquoise stone is copper. This is what gives it the blue, green, blueish-green colors. It also is often combined with the Azurite stone as well. Turquoise is wonderful for drawing out negative vibrations from a person. It is best to place it at the feet or worn inside the sock for this. It dissipates negativity as it draws from the body. It allows the negativity to go back into the ground. A good stone for helping one to bond with the spiritual. It offers much uplifting. Also helps open the heart chakra for giving and receiving.
The Skinny: I don't think it's possible for me to have selected a more meaningful or perfectly aligned piece to my spirit, I love that it allows you to feel connected to unconditional spirtual love via the Turquoise and at the same time via the Hamsa receive 'blessings from the universe'. To say I absolutely cherish this necklace on so many levels is an understatement, and I have received numerous compliments on it!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ -
WIN IT! - Ascending Butterfly and our friends at Satya Jewelry would like 1 Ascending Butterfly Follower to win a
turquoise hamsa pendant necklace of your very own!
Don't you just ♥ Satya Jewelry? I know I do!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ -
How to Win: (1) You must be a PUBLIC follower of Ascending Butterfly to be eligible for this and all giveaways. Indicate in your entry that you follow (if your 'comment name/user id' differs from your profile id, please let me know what name you follow under) and (2)
Visit SatyaJewelry.com and pick a piece that speaks to you and leave the URL LINK to that product in your comment entry! If you'd like to share the reason that piece speaks to you, you'll get an extra entry (leave two comments, one with the URL of the product and a second with the reason why you chose it!) (3) You must also leave your email address somewhere in your comment. (You can format it this way for security, example: ascendingbutterfly AT mail host DOT com). (If your email is clearly visible in your profile, you can just say so, that's OK!) Please follow the easy 1, 2, 3 steps to winning This giveaway is open to USA residents who are 18 years of age or older.
Please follow directions or you will be disqualified! All comments are moderated, they may not appear on the site right away (comments like "I want this" or "I want to win" will not be entered). You have from Tuesday, July 13, 2010 until Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 03:00 PM (EST) to comment and be entered for a chance to win. You will have 48 hours to confirm if we do not hear from you we will be forced to move on to an alternate. (We only notify winners DIRECTLY via email, so if your profile or your comment does not have an email your entry will not be processed)
Extra Credit:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Blog about this giveaway, linking to this giveaway post. Leave the URL in a comment
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Grab our Button and put it on your Blog. Leave the URL where we can see it in a comment (if you already have our button, just let us know, you will still get extra credit!)
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Tracy_Iglesias on Twitter (this is ascending butterfly’s editor) and give me your twitter ID in a comment
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Tweet this:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ #ascendingbutterfly + @SatyaJewelry #Win a turquoise hamsa pendant necklace ARV $118.00! #Giveaways http://tinyurl.com/2auk4xx
(Leave a comment with the tweet’s url so you can get a valid entry (click on the time your tweet was sent to get the direct URL and then copy and paste it here). You can Tweet TWICE per DAY. If you Tweet more than that, that entry will be disqualified.)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ – Follow, now called ‘Like’ (and don't forget to write on their wall that Ascending Butterfly sent you!) Satya Jewelry on Facebook
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NOTE: Readers have asked us to make entering the contests and giveaways, faster and easier. Your wish is our command! We have moved our 'Today's Butterfly - Featured Site(s) of the day, which is where we host our giveaways, to the upper right hand side of the page. It will be located here from now on to make entering the giveaways faster and easier. Keep the suggestions coming, remember we also have a community group page with real time chat, you can give us your comments and suggestions in REAL time, how cool is that?
NOTE 2: Twitter followers: please remember you must also follow Ascending Butterfly using Google friends connect on the upper right hand side of the page for your entries to be processed. And remember if your profile does not have an email and you don't leave your email in your entry, we will not accept your entry. Make sure your entry or your profile have your email address!
Just a helpful Reminder: How to Follow A Blog Publicly Using Google Friends Connect:
Please look to the upper right hand side, where the follower pictures are. (Note the number of followers before you start this process)
1) press the follow button - the google pop up wizard will open, this is not an ad and your pop up blocker will not block it
2) tick the option that reads 'follow this blog publicly' once that button is selected, hit follow again - it should now read 'you are now following'
3) if the follower count went up you know you did it succesfully, if your profile has a picture, that picture will be the first one on the left side. If your profile doesn't have one, it should still be searchable on the members list. (Remember, following a blog, does NOT subscribe you to receive emails, you have to subscribe separately to do that, you will not receive emails for following)
Are you getting the dreaded 'Your Entry Can't Be Processed' message when leaving an entry or comment? Before hitting enter, highlight your comment and COPY it. If you get that message after hitting enter and your comment is still there, just ignore the message and hit enter again, then you will get a screen with a captcha code, enter the captcha code, then submit and VOILA. If after you hit the submit button the first time, you get the dreaded message and the comment 'disappeared' no worries, that's why I asked you to copy it in the first step. Paste it back in and submit again. This has worked for me when comment boxes have glitched on me, and I hope it helps you too!
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FTC Disclosure Info for this Giveaway: This is not a paid insertion. This is a non-compensated post and all opinions regarding the products are expressly my own experiences. I was provided product to facilitate my review and for the giveaway. The sponsor is fulfilling directly to prize winner(s), this in no way influenced my opinion of the product. Once a winner is selected and their information has been forwarded to the sponsor, the responsibility of prize fulfillment rests with the sponsor.