NOTE: Our Tres Sleek Giveaway winner was lilyk, Congratulations!
Readers before you send me anymore emails, I am aware that there was no 'Today's Words of Inspiration' for Wednesday August 12th. My host was down for the bulk of the day and I couldn't post. It was a very frustrating experience to say the least. My apologies for the delays in publishing all the entries for our new giveaway for a Smashbox Cosmetics Palette of your choice. As soon as my host came back up, I've been working on moderating the entries and getting them all posted. So while other sites are focusing on the little ones, Ascending Butterfly is all about focusing on YOU. YES YOU. You remember you don't you?
Before becoming a parent there was a sexy gal in there. One who wanted to look pretty and feel sexy before her dates. We have quite a month ahead here at Ascending Butterfly. And this month is all about releasing your inner sexy.
Don't blush, don't giggle demurely, I know it's all in there just waiting for an excuse to come out!
I made productive use of my 'enforced downtime' yesterday and used the time to secure some great sponsors and giveaways. I remind you, keep checking daily, you don't want to miss the great things that are coming!
I am heading out to a concert tonight and I just can't wait! I've always loved music. While I know enough to keep my singing behind closed doors in the shower, I somehow seem to always have music on. And all my friends find themselves amazed that I have music in EVERY room. I'd even have music streaming out of my closet as soon as I opened it if I could.
Music lifts my mood and my spirits. What is your favorite type of music? What is your favorite genre and song? Do you have an artist or song you highly recommend? Comment here and let us know. I'm always open to something new and would love to know what you are listening to. And if there are any record labels out there, feel free to send me music! :-)
Use 'Today's Words of Inspiration' as a breathing meditation to still your mind, quiet your thoughts and bring in positive energy. As you inhale bring in only positive energy by saying in your mind, I breathe in positive energy (or you can say creative energy if that is what you wish to create more of) and as you exhale, Affirm out loud today 'I will listen to music that uplifts my spirit today.'
Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by universal forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Do this at least twice today and see how by taking a moment away from the hectic pace and breathing in positive energy and affirming what you wish to create, your thinking will become different.
Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.
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Make this your best day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!
Today's Butterfly - Featured Site(s) of the Day - And TWO Giveaways!
1. Enter to win the Reign Eye Shadow Palette of YOUR CHOICE, Majesty or Monarch HERE (you may also press on the Smashbox graphic below to be taken directly to the giveaway)

2. Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a AUTOGRAPHED copy of our book club of the month title: 'Perseverance' by Carolyn Rubenstein. You can enter for the book HERE (you may also press the cover graphic below) - Stay tuned for an Author Q & A next week. You can begin to send in your questions now. Email your questions for the author to me HERE

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