Showing posts with label #MotivationMonday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MotivationMonday. Show all posts

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Three Places You May Be Forgetting to Add 'Intention'

We tend to approach 'big' things with intention, but we sometimes forget to speak intention on things we do almost on 'auto-pilot' when we do them like:

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Lighting a Candle
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Lighting Incense
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Go To Sleep At Night/Our Dreams

You can add intention to all three of these.

Light a Candle or Incense with Intention - We tend to have a reason when we light a candle, but open the door to only positive energy by lighting it with intention. Whatever your belief system is should be what guides you. I have observed some who are Christian open the lighting of a candle by stating they are lighting the candle in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as they believe that lighting a candle symbolizes the light of Christ. Others feel that lighting a candle brings light to our wishes and desires, used by some as a request for healing or peace.

Taking a moment of silence before lighting a candle or incense for that matter to clear your head of negative thoughts and energy is important. Try sitting for a moment with your eyes closed, if you are a good 'visualizer', visualize white light all around you, if you are more of a voice person, affirm either silently or out loud postive words of affirmation to put yourself in the right place (mentally and spiritually)  to light your candle or incense.

When you feel ready, open your eyes, light your candle or incense (or both) bow your head and direct your intentions and/or prayers to the Universe, God, Allah, Buddha, the Angels or your higher self for that matter and ask that the energy created by your candle or incense serves your highest good and the highest good of your environment and those around you.

The hardest part will be the letting go, release any need to have the prayers answered in a specific way, allow spirit and the universe to help you find the best path to your answer.

Put intention to your sleep and dreams -  Yes you can do the same for your sleep, and while this might feel the most strange to you at first, doing this with consistency may just change your sleep forever. Take some time without noise, turn off electronic devices, tv and music too. Sit for some time in silence, whether you keep a gratitude journal or not, focus on 3 good things that happened to you in this day. Express gratitude (silently, or out loud your choice) - then focus on your top three goals for yourself, personal would be better, but professional are OK too, Affirm to yourself be it out loud or silently that you charge your dreams to help you see clearly those goals you wish to manifest, ask your subconscious mind to be vibrationally aligned to those goals so you may see clearly how to reach them.

When you master these, try adding intention to other simple daily tasks, add intention to your eating patterns, television viewing, and one of my personal favorites your shower, I really do believe we can change our lives by changing our thoughts and our own responses to the mundane/routine and to those things that may not be so routine.

What have you put intention to today butterfly?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post. But if you would like to sponsor a Motivation Monday, feel free to contact me! :)

Monday, March 24, 2014

{#MotivationMonday} Dalai Lama or Dalai Homer, You Decide!

While I continue to battle this annoying Flu which doesn't seem to want to go away, I thought I'd inject a little humor into today's Motivation Monday to start the week with a little laugh!

It really is a good message:

Do Not Let The Behavior of Others Destroy Your Inner Peace.

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post. But if you would like to sponsor a Motivation Monday, feel free to contact me! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

The 10 things your Life/Career Coach is too afraid to tell you! #MotivationMonday

A Bra Specialist can look at you and tell your bra size quite accurately BEFORE she even measures you. A shoe store associate can usually look at a foot and also pretty much accurately guess your size and foot width. And while we hate to hear this, an HR professional makes their final assessment within the first 10 minutes of the job interview.

A Life or Career Coach come into play when you want to manifest change in your life or career. It's hard for the Coach to do their job when they quickly realize that it's only YOU and your attitude standing in your way. The quote "Attitude Determines Altitude" has lasted this long for good reason!

The Top 10 Things Your Life/Career Coach is too Afraid to tell you:

(1) It's not your boss, it's YOU - How you react to your boss and his/her demands are going to determine how far you will go. I am not telling you to brown nose your way to the top, however I am telling you as a Career Coach, that this is the most vital relationship you have in your career arsenal. Remember, even leaving a job of your own accord will require a job reference. And in Life Coaching this applies to the relationship you feel most stuck in, the one you feel that is not moving forward but backwards. Be it your in-laws or that BFF you think you may be 'outgrowing'...

(2) You Must Pay Your Dues - You are not going to become CEO in a year. Don't be afraid to pay your dues.

(3) Procure a Mentor - You want to touch base with someone doing the job you want to have eventually. It's OK to go outside your organization to find that person. In fact, that is the better way to go, you want someone who you can be frank with and who can also feel free to be frank with you about their path to success.

(4) Relationships are a two way street - If your theme is constantly about how every relationship has wronged you, your coach may be too afraid to tell you that you are sabotaging your relationships by the way you react to things that are not to your liking.

(5) Presentation is half the battle won - It's not just the job interview where you should whip out your best suit, dress for the job you want, not the job you have. If the top salesperson calls in sick and a major account needs attention, who do you think the boss will ask to pinch hit? The person in jeans or the suit?

(6) Yes, Peer Socialization is necessary - Those myriad of after-work team-building events, do you really have to go? YES, you have to go. Your peers are in the trenches with you, and if you can all support each other, you all win.

(7) You get what you give - Selfishness will hold you back from the life you really want. Be it the green-eyed monster, or pushing your agenda to hold someone else back, you get in life exactly what you give. If you spend countless hours telling your life/career coach how selfish everyone is around you, they are going to easily spot that the selfish Sally in those relationships is really YOU.

(8) Stop making cross-lateral job transfers - Your job trajectory needs to go up, if you spend years just moving sideways it's going to be harder to go up the next time you make a job move. Aim to build a career with an upward trajectory. (Because dearies, only crabs walk sideways!)

(9) Don't let moss grow under your feet - If you can't find the job you want, keep searching and portion out a part of your week to volunteer. Volunteer work is just that WORK. It allows you to give back to your community in a relevant way and still build necessary job skills. The busier you are, the more attractive you are to a potential employer.

(10) Define Success Clearly - How do YOU Define Success? Don't tell your coach how your mother and father define success. Or how your spouse defines it. Or your siblings for that matter. Yes you need to make enough to cover your bills, but at the end of the day, amassing money and then having no time to enjoy it, is something I am sure we can both agree is fruitless.  No Life/Career Coach can take your career or life to the next level until you know exactly what success looks like for you. Visualize it. Do you picture yourself in a garden with blooming flowers? With a smiling family? In an office at the top floor? Bring your Life or Career Coach a picture of how you define success, then and only then can they help you get there!

My Take:

The only thing that tends to stand in the way of our own success, is US! We tend to be our own harshest crtics, we tend to think status quo is better than change and we get stuck in ruts that for the most part we create for ourselves.

Before reaching out to a Life or Career Coach, start by tapping into what success looks like for you, what position you want to be in and be sure you are ready to knock your life and career status quo on it's head. Change sometimes comes with sacrifice. A life/career coach is not your fairy godmother, they can't wave a wand over your head and put you straight into your dream life. Define Success for yourself and then once you have that vision, there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking the help of an expert to guide you on how to achieve it.

And lastly as someone who has been coaching for awhile now, my biggest tip is that a life/career coach is NOT your therapist, while it's super easy to get that confused, your therapist digs into your past, your life coach looks forward (not backward) into how the immediate can be re-shaped to look more like YOUR vision of true success.

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekly Moment of #Gratitude! = #MondayMotivation

Butterfly Monday Animated Gif

Happy Presidents Day!

What I am Grateful For:

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The Skinny Scoop! (I need your ONE CLICK daily vote!) - The Skinny Scoop has nominated Ascending Butterfly as one of the Top 25 Product Review Blogs! You can vote for Ascending Butterfly daily until 02/28 here:

Ascending Butterfly is already a Top 50 Product Review Blog on Cision, I was totally floored when I found out we made their list! (Article here: so I was honored to see us nominated again independently in the Product Review category. I try to bring you unique products from a very wide variety of brands both established and emerging, and it's gratifying to see my efforts recognized! For those of you who saw my social media blasts about the nomination and have already voted for us, THANK YOU. Your support means more to me than you know! It is a simple one click vote, that doesn't require you to like anything, sign up anywhere or even provide your email, just click vote and you are done!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Losing Followers! - I put up one cheeky title last week and it appears a few 'butterf'lies' disappeared. Had they read the entire article they would have realized the play on words was entirely innocuous. I don't do it very often, but when I do, it's just being cheeky, I've kept this blog drama free, politics free, sex free and pretty much snark free since 2009. I'm sure they will come running back during the next great giveaway, but frankly I wish they would stay away. This space is a place where I am going to be myself. I am going to be true to myself. I am going to be authentic to myself. and I am going to express myself. Will it work for everyone? Probably Not. We can only please 50% of the people 50% of the time. I'm OK with that. So yes, I am actually quite grateful for those that bailed because of my cheeky laundry detergent title, they reminded me that it is OK to be true myself. And I'm sure double will come in for all those who left. (some people actually like cheeky!)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Wins! - I've been carving out some time for sweeping every now and again, and had a few wins come in during February that I almost forgot all about.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Volunteer Time This Week! - As many of you already know I spent some time last year in Chicago at the Headquarters of Ronald McDonald House and got to visit several houses out there, and spend some time volunteering, one day it was making welcome bags for the families, on another simply baking cookies to share with the families with some of the children who were up for it. Part of my pro-bono ambassadorship is to meet with my local house here in New York City and find ways to help them. I have my first meeting with the local house this week, and I'm just truly grateful for the chance to help. After spending a year in the hospital myself, I have a great deal of empathy for families who find themselves in the hospital helping their child to battle a serious illness. Once I get a more defined sense of what the local house in New York City needs, I will share more about it here, but I just wanted to give a deep thanks to the brands I work with who have already expressed interest in finding ways to get involved. In my opinion this is what I wanted to see my little space online and my social used for, for Good, for Giving Initiatives, for ways to motivate, challenge and inspire myself as well as others. A recap of my Chicago experience can be found here:

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Please VOTE daily via Facebook for our Butterfly-in-Chief, Tracy of Ascending Butterfly to win a spot on 'Run to Napa' a 10K run, powered by @ZOOMArun

To Vote:

(1) Follow the link above
(2) It will be defaulted to 'enter' so press the 'vote' button instead
(3) Scroll down until you see the picture above, you may have to scroll all the way and press 'view more' or show more entries twice before my picture comes up
(4) Once you find my picture which will be the same as the one above, hit VOTE

That's it! (You won't get any spam for voting!)


oh did I mention I have the chance to bring one blog reader with me on this amazing trip? It's a daily vote, so if you are voting, please leave a comment below and let me know!

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What are you GRATEFUL for today Butterfly?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post.

Monday, January 27, 2014

{Todays #Inspiration} Each Person! #MotivationMonday

I can relate to the last sentence of this quote! My best creative writing has always felt like I was just a temporary vessel for the words and that the writing 'came through' me. Those writing moments are effortless, almost easy. I am engrossed and engaged and the words flow through me as hours fly by on the clock. Those days feel amazing!

But the key is to remember that every single day can be like that if we are open to the many blessings that the Universe sends us each day. Today practice letting something come through you, stay in the moment, and say an affirmation to both start and end your day. Don't let 2014 be 2013, you can shape it into anything you want it to be!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post!

Monday, January 13, 2014

I plan to _______ to move myself closer to this ______ Goal! #MotivationMonday

For me: I plan to develop better financial habits to move myself closer to the Goal of moving to a new residence! What is your fill in the blank for Motivation Monday?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored/Compensated Post.

Monday, December 23, 2013

{#MotivationMonday with #Butterflies} - Cultivate the habit of being grateful!

Happy Motivation Monday! The holidays countdown has begun!

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FTC Dislclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivation Monday: My Favorite Nelson Mandela Quote!

This has always been my favorite Nelson Mandela Quote:

"Our Deepest Fear is Not that we are inadequate. Our Deepest Fear is That we are Powerful Beyond Measure." ~ Nelson Mandela

We lost a leader who truly led by example, but he wouldn't want the world to be darker in his absence, he would want us to shine our lights even brighter and apply our collective individual light to making this world shine brighter.

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Motivation Monday: Are you willing to give up being a caterpillar Edition + We have a winner!

Trina Paulus, Butterfly, Caterpillar, Inspiration, Motivation, Empowerment, Quotes
How does one become a butterly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. ~ Trina Paulus

Motivation Monday:

Sometimes we really do have to shed the skin that is comfortable and venture straight into the unknown to make the significant changes we seek in our lives to feel fulfilled.

It's hard to give up what we know, why?

(1) It's comfortable

(2) We went through a lot just to get here, so we don't always want to embrace change

(3) The Unknown can be big and scary

But Ascending to a new level is a part of our journey, one we are not always pysched about, but often times it's just plain necessary. We learn how strong we are only at times we are challenged, only during the moments of growth that aren't always so willing to embrace. So instead of change forcing itself upon you, embrace it yourself and make small changes each day so that when your moment comes to give up being a caterpillar, you will be ready! Being an Ascending Butterfly means always being on a journey to rise higher than you were before.

We have a winner! 

Congratulations to Milena B. (entry #27) winner of the Smooth Jazz Cruise Rafflcopter Giveaway for this Wednesday's Phil Perry sail! If you didn't win this time, no worries, our friends at Smooth Jazz will be back very soon for the rewind sail in October which has a really great lineup, you won't want to miss it! (And by the way the winning entry was a twitter entry, so always make sure you rack up as much extra credit as you can per giveaway because you never know which of your entries is the one that will win! Extra Credit really pays off!)

Active Giveaway:

Don't forget to get in your entry for a $100 shopping spree to In Bloom, this giveaway closes soon and you've got to be in it to win it!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Motivation: The put some pep in your summer step with @NaturalizerShoe Bzees Summer Fun Lightweight #Shoe

Naturalizer provided the shoes referenced for editorial consideration, see below for Full Disclosure

Naturalizer Logo

I know Fitness can get to be a bit routine at times, but with summer in full swing, you can get your heart rate up in ways that don't have to be routine at all, hop off the treadmill today and take a brisk walk OUTDOORS! Mix things up by taking a route that is new to you! Do you have a park or beach nearby? Those would be my top two choices, allowing you to get in a good walk and be closer to nature at the same time.

Naturalizer BZEES Summer Fun, Slip-on, Casual Shoe, Shoes, Footwear
Naturalizer BZEES Summer Fun Slip-on Casual Shoe

The folks at Naturalizer put some pep in my summer step with their 'BZEES Summer Fun' slip on shoe in the color 'Tomato Red Mesh'. A bright Orange/Red color that I have been living in all summer.

The Lo Down on the BZEES:


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Stretch Mesh Upper, Casual, Slip-on style, round toe
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Elasticized collar for easy on/off construction
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Antimicrobial Lining
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Dual Air Gel and EVA Cushioning Comfort System
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Lightweight, each shoe weights less than 6oz
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Traction outsole with 1 1/14 inch heel


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - I was sent the wrong size, with Naturalizer I am usually true to size, but with these I would have preferred a half size up (they press into my ankle bone a bit), Naturalizer also runs a bit narrow which is why I always order the Wide option in any of their shoe styles, but sadly I wasn't sent the Wide, I was sent the Medium so these were a little bit uncomfortable on me. But if you have a narrow foot, my con would certainly be your PRO.

Get Social:

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - "Like" Naturalizer on Facebook to keep up with promotions, discounts and giveaways!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Follow @NaturalizerShoe on Twitter too
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - You can follow their Pinterest Boards too!


If these had been sent in the right width they would get a 100% reco from me, but my pair were a bit too narrow for my liking. I do love that they are so lightweight, and slip on and off so easily, and they offer more foot support than a casual slip on would normally offer which is a definite plus. The mesh upper is stretch which is great when your feet swell. Now these are not runners shoes, but are great for walking, and do offer support which is rare in a slip on style.

What Shoe have YOU been living in this summer butterfly?

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FTC Disclosure: Naturalizer sent the BZEES Summer Fun for editorial consideration. This is NOT a sponsored post and no monetary compensation has been received in exchange for our evaluation/review, all opinions expressed herein are 100% my own. We only post about products and services that we feel will be of value to our readers. See our Giveaway and Disclosure Policy Page for additional information.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Motivation Monday: Aphrodite: Inner Goddess Edition!

I love the message on this Aphrodite Tarot Card:

"Awaken the Goddess within you through dance, self-care, and appreciating your divinity"

On this motivation Monday do something to care for and awaken the Goddess within you, whether it's a full blown day in the spa, or just a long bath and lit candle. Nurture yourself today butterflies, your inner Goddess will thank you! (And Guys this applies to YOU too! Do something that makes you feel alive and happy!)

Happy Motivation Monday Butterfly - Wishing you a day of awakened divinity and inner light!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Motivation: Hugs Edition - Just wanted to put a little pretty in your Monday!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Motivation Monday: The Mother's Day + Money Isn't Everything + Winner Edition!

Yesterday we posted about the the StrongMoms Pledge and a recap of the StrongMoms Empowerment Summit in New York City, if you missed that post, or would still like to take the pledge, click HERE. I hope you do take the pledge, you don't have to be a mom to vow not to bash other moms and always be supportive! As adults this pledge is an example that shows younger people how important it is to be supportive of one another and NOT bully each other both on or offline, let's set the example! We all do the same things in very different ways sometimes, that doesn't make it bad or good, wrong or right, let's embrace what makes everyone unique and be more supportive of each other! I hope all our mom readers had a fantastic day. And for those whose moms are now in heaven, know that they were with you yesterday! And if you saw a butterfly on your path, it was someone who has passed away saying hello to you!

We also announced the winner of our $100 Wilson's Leather Gift Card Giveaway, you can click HERE to go straight to the rafflecopter widget and check it out, the winner was Katie R. who was entry #3394. I am sure she is going to find something that she loves at Wilsons Leather! You guys did a great job, we got just under 3,900 entries and after deleting those did not follow the rules (like not being a GFC follower or just leaving the rafflecopter blank) we ended with a total of 3,563 entries, which is the biggest turnout to date, and I got a lot of emails telling me just how much you guys loved that jacket! I love that Wilson's always provides gift cards so YOU can select your choice of item (which is also great for our male readers who don't want handbags!) :)

And because it's Monday and we can all use some Motivation, or if anything at least a good chuckle, here is some Monday Motivation for you:

Seriously though, if your money is getting you down......LOL

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a Sponsored Post.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Motivation Monday: 'A Good Life' Edition!

A Good Life, Motivation, Monday, Motivation Monday, Inspiration, Encouragement, Empowerment, Quotes, Graphics, butterfly, butterflies

Sometimes we just need a little butterfly to remind us that we really do have a Good Life, and we just need to celebrate it!

Happy Motivation Monday Butterflies, let your wings take flight this week!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Motivation: Weekly Moment of Gratitude + Giveaway Winner + Moment of Silence for #Boston

What I am grateful for:

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Got My Tablet! -  I wanted to thank all the butterflies who took the time to vote for me in the Autism Speaks/AT&T Voting Contest, not only is my bi-lingual Autism App being designed and was presented at Hackathon in San Francisco, California, but I got my new Pantech Tablet and I've been playing with it, and it's AWESOME! You all know how much I love new tech toys (once I have had a chance to really check out all it can do, I'll post a full review). But as a former Special Education Teacher the fact that my Bi-lingual Autism App will be designed means the world to me. It's a resource I wish I would have had in the classroom! When I designed the App for the contest entry, there was a real life student who was in my class who was my inspiration for the App.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Birthday Month Continues! - After the year I had last year I have decided that this year, ALL month is my birthday month! I can't contain the joy of NOT being in a hospital bed for my birthday like I was last year, and I want to celebrate my life all month this year to make up for lost time last year! Cherish your health butterflies, sometimes you can take care of it, and still have it snatched from you, appreciate each moment butterfly!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - A Moment of Silence Please! - Boston is a favorite City of mine (I live in the City most people really want to be in, but Boston and San Fran have a very special place in my heart), I took a moment of silence and spent time in prayer today for the people of Boston after the two bombings they experienced during the Boston Marathon today. Please butterflies, join me in a moment of prayer and send as many good vibes as you can to the people of Boston, there were many injured and I know how devastating it can be to survive a major bombing in your City. Today 9/11 flooded my memory and brought deja vu tears to my eyes as I watched the news all day following what happened during the Boston Marathon. My thoughts are with the City that has brought me nothing but positive memories. In fact this week I was actually talking about visiting there again. I tell you, sometimes monkey wrenches are thrown in our plans, and we get angry or stressed about it, but sometimes even delays are blessings in disguise. I can only be grateful that circumstances kept me from going to Boston, and my thoughts are with everyone there. I know a lot of New York City Based Fitness Bloggers who run that Marathon, and I hope everyone is OK!

Sorry it's been so long since my last Gratitude Post Butterflies, it's not that I haven't had things to be grateful for, quite the contrary in fact, but I have been taking more time away from blogging and social media and giving myself some much needed 'Me' time! I have been keeping my own daily list of things I am grateful for and taking time to acknowledge my blessings daily. A bit of concentrated focus on what you do have, instead of on what you lack or need, can make a huge shift in your life!

What are YOU most grateful for today Butterfly?

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What are you grateful for today? I'd love for you to write in and share what you are grateful for this week. The more you say it, the more you speak it, and the more you live in gratitude, the more you will find reasons to be grateful for, and the more reasons that the universe will send you to be grateful for. So join me on this journey of gratitude and inspiration. And you can post here daily (even though my list will be posted weekly).

Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.

It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me on Twitter here (@Tracy_Iglesias) Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter:

OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias This Week's 'Moment of Gratitude' and Active Giveaways!  -

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Join me in congratulating Dawn S. who is Ascending Butterfly's We Take the Cake Giveaway Winner! Dawn was entry #341, and a delicious treat is on it's way! (We closed with 1,094 overall entries, and after all the dis-qualified entries were eliminated before drawing a winner, we ended with 840, just a very gentle reminder to follow mandatory entry instructions very carefully!)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Our Featured Monthly Handbag in the Spotlight is back this week, and this month you win the bag of YOUR choice! (Although I have a strong feeling you are going to love the one I choose to feature so much you may want to pick that one!)

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Gratitude Journal Reco:

For those of you who are interested in keeping a gratitude journal this year, here is my recommendation and where to purchase it:

Make this Your Best Day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post, all opinions are 100% my own. Journal Recommendation uses an Amazon Affiliate Link. Questions about our Disclosure? Please visit:

Monday, March 11, 2013

I hope Daylight Savings didn't leave you with a case of the Monday Blues! #MondayMotivation

Sounds like a lot of you were left with the 'Monday Blues' after Daylight Savings Time forced us to 'Spring Ahead'. I know that giving up one hours sleep even for the pleasure of more daylight can be an adjustment, but I am wishing you birds chirping outside your window, an extra hour in the park, and other beautiful signs of Spring!

What are you planning with your extra hour of sunlight today butterfly?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Motivation Monday: Sand and Stone Edition!

Hi Butterflies! Just thought I'd put a little motivation in your Monday to start your week off on an inspirational note! Wise Words indeed. 

What is your favorite quote Butterfly?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Motivation: Keep Calm and Believe On! #inspiration #MotivationMonday

inspirational quotes

I have been taking my own advice about carving out much needed time for myself, and I took a long weekend to re-group, de-stress, and just be. Doing so definitely helped to put me in a much better mood, and give me much needed perspective and I can now tackle a new week with energy and enthusiasm!

I hope all my butterflies out there had a wonderful weekend!

I will be closing out the yurbuds giveaway and contacting the winner shortly, and this week stay tuned for a new giveaway, and if you need a hint as to what it will be, read HERE.

Happy Monday Butterfly! What do you believe you can do this week?

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Today's Words of #Inspiration: Happy Monday! Try todays #affirmation on for size!

Day SEVEN of a brand new year butterflies! Are you excited? I am. I am feeling filled with anticipation of victory, blessings, new paths and new destinations! A new week has begun and I made sure to start it with affirmations! I say intstead of singing 'Manic Monday' think 'Magic Monday' instead!

I am definitely not telling you to cover the sky with one hand, but you can shape your day with your thoughts so why not make them positive ones?

Buried under a mountain of emails? STOP! Take a 5 minute break. Even if the most walking you can do in those five minutes is a quick trip to the water cooler, then take it.

Buried under an insane to-do list? You won't get as much accomplished if you are harried. Call someone right now who makes you happy. Stopping for just a moment will help you center yourself. And in the end you'll be able to accomplish more than if you just rush through that list like its a marathon.

How are you coming along with your resolutions? Don't give up on them. Break the main goals down into steps, and take yourself one step closer by the end of the week. You have 51 weeks left to make this your best year ever!

Todays affirmation: 'I deserve love, peace, prosperity and serenity.'  - When your day gets hectic, stop and say this. Say this when you get up, and again when you are headed to bed. Keep reminding yourself of this!

Happy Monday Butterfly! Because we all know a Happy Butterfly, is an Ascending Butterfly! :)

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. But if anyone wants to sponsor a Daily Inspirational post, please contact us! :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekly Moment of Inspiration: #MotivationMonday Edition + Winner Announcement!

What I am grateful for:

 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - The Joys of the Holiday Season! -  Passing the rows of live Christmas Trees on my way to the subway in the business district and taking in that great smell of Pine, holiday lights in the windows, and getting Christmas Cards!

What are YOU most grateful for today Butterfly?

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What are you grateful for today? I'd love for you to write in and share what you are grateful for this week. The more you say it, the more you speak it, and the more you live in gratitude, the more you will find reasons to be grateful for, and the more reasons that the universe will send you to be grateful for. So join me on this journey of gratitude and inspiration. And you can post here daily (even though my list will be posted weekly).

Remember, attitude really does determine altitude.

It is OK to *Re-Tweet* the link to this post and You can find me on Twitter here (@Tracy_Iglesias) Twitter love: re*tweet by copying and pasting the following into your update field at Twitter:

OK to RT: @Tracy_Iglesias This Week's 'Moment of Gratitude' and Active Giveaways!  -

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 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Featured #Handbag in the Spotlight: It's YOUR choice! Win a $100 @wilsonsleather Gift Card with @Ascending1 Giveaway!

Winner Is:

 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Samantha F.

We are working on closing entries and processing the 5 winners for the Terox Footwear Giveaway and will have all the winners announced shortly!

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Gratitude Journal Reco:

For those of you who are interested in keeping a gratitude journal this year, here is my recommendation and where to purchase it:

Make this Your Best Day ever, Bless and Be Blessed!

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FTC Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post, all opinions are 100% my own. Journal Recommendation uses an Amazon Affiliate Link. Questions about our Disclosure? Please visit: